International Latin American and Caribbean Black Women Day will feature live launch of the book “Rosa Negra, pieces of an overcoming trajectory ”

Dra. Ivone Caetano. Photo: Personal archive.

Next Saturday, 25 July, at 19h, to Estácio and Dra. Ivone Caetano will perform a live – through the Teams tool – to celebrate International Latin American and Caribbean Black Women's Day. Dr.. Ivone will be the big honoree of the night, because it is a great reference for being a woman, first black judge in the state of Rio … Read more

Writer Pedro Salomão is invited to launch digital platform

The #CulturaemCasa project, created by the Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of the State of São Paulo and Instituto Amigos da Arte, provides cultural content during the quarantine. The Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of the State of São Paulo created the campaign together with the Instituto Amigos da Arte #CulturaemCasa, with complete materials available … Read more

The book: 7 X ARTISTS – The New Strokes

Releases: 10 /12 in the Oscar Niemeyer Museum (Curitiba) and 12 December at the Imperial Palace (River) 7 X ARTISTS – The New Strokes presents the production of seven painters of contemporary Brazilian art. The book, which is organized by Wilson Lazaro and features the art direction of Felipe Taborda, shows the artists’ experience in … Read more

Book: Memoirs of an Application Driver Wilton Mitsuo Miwa

Two and a half years ago, by referral from a friend, I decided to download the driver application and try the game. The curious thing is that the idea of ​​writing the book occurred on my first day of activity when I picked up a passenger who during the entire trip was wielding a pistol.. Não se tratava de uma tentativa deRead more

Book Launch “Rio de Janeiro Lost and Recovered” Ana de Borelli [Fifth, day 3]

Com prefácio de Alfredo Sirkis livro apresenta importantes construções do século passado que desapareceram da paisagem carioca e outras preservadas que foram reintegradas a paisagem urbana da cidade em grande estilo Com apuro gráfico a edição fine art traz imagens de acervos importantes e ilustrações originais, icons of each project, mapas e gravuras da cidadeRead more

Five reasons for those who want to launch a book

Organize ideas and stories to yield a book, It is not always easy. To help in this mission, Eduardo Villela lists some reasons for those who want to publish a book The Brazilian filmmaker Glauber Rocha, exponent of the new cinema in Brazil, argued that a camera in hand and an idea in the head, era o início para seRead more

Book Launch “The Forest Of The Five Powers”

100% of the amount collected from the sale of books will be donated to people with the disease AME The book A Floresta dos Cinco Poderes written by Cleyson Lima, tells the fantastic adventure of Joe, an orphan girl who is taken through a portal to a magical forest, fulfilling an ancient prophecy, a de se tornar o príncipeRead more

Lovely House launches Photobook Sabrina Pestana

"She'll be" hosts daily portraits grandfather of the photographer in your intimate space, and the project ended 236 days after it starts, com a morte súbita de seu modelo e colaborador A Lovely House promove o lançamento de “Ela vai ficar”, da fotógrafa paulistana Sabrina Pestana, editado pela autora e por Walter Costa, … Read more

Release Paper: MODIGLIANI - Mysteries to a touch of Love

Editora Chico Xavier and author Alex Ribeiro Prado, They have the honor to invite to the book launch party. SYNOPSIS MODIGLIANI - Mysteries to a touch of Love, a work written by real facts and widely documented. Featuring psychic guidance, Author trail hard and painful way, even … Read more

Book launch “100 photographers focus on Brazil” gathers 100 Chinese and Brazilian photographers, among them Evandro Teixeira and the war correspondent Liu Yu

Book series “China Daily & #8217; s Focus” We've covered several countries such as Russia and Canada arrives in Brazil with more than 200 images of about 100 Chinese and Brazilian photographers whose summary reflection on the culture and the Brazilian people 100 fotógrafos focam o Brasil é um livro de arte bilíngueRead more