Portuguese Language Museum celebrates Portuguese Language Day with virtual programming

Between the days 3 and 5 de Mayo, cultural program will bring ‘lives’ music, literature meetings, workshops and conversations with authors from Portuguese-speaking countries Among the attractions is a dance performance recorded inside the empty museum; presentation by the Portuguese duo Fado Bicha; DJing by Angolan Kalaf Epalanga and ‘slam’ conducted by Roberta Estrela d’Alva … Read more

Portuguese Language Museum organizes meetings and spoken poetry battles in the 17th edition of Flip

Vai Flip Slam poets from six countries gather, within the main program. But the Slam of the Portuguese language will open mic to the public, in the House of Culture. Museu também apresenta mesa literária com o angolano Kalaf Epalanga O Museu da Língua Portuguesa promove o primeiro slam internacional da Festa Literária Internacional de Paraty – Flip, … Read more