Park's House of Culture starts a new exhibition cycle

Guto Lacaz. Photo: Disclosure.

on reopening, the House presents two solo exhibitions and a collective with works by Guto Lacaz, Lenora de Barros and Wagner Malta Tavares. The Park's House of Culture, idealized by Regina Pinho de Almeida, starts a new cycle with three new exhibitions in its space. Galeria do Parque hosts the AR press conference, with … Read more

Verve Gallery displays individual Guilherme Callegari

Composed by 25 work in different techniques, "NDÚSTRIA" presents the research of the artist about the industry and communication in modern society, in works that explore the graphics and dessignificação symbols and logos The Verve Gallery displays "NDÚSTRIA", do artista visual Guilherme Callegari. Com curadoria de Eduarda Freire e texto crítico de JulianaRead more