Muma receives video art show of Tony Camargo

Opens Thursday (19/09), at 19h, at the Municipal Art Museum of Curitiba, the exhibition Pictorial Development / Continue, Artist Tony Camargo. The exhibition is curated do Carmo Arthur. Formed only for unpublished works in video, the artist reflects how the painting can be crossed by new technologies, gathering performance, videoart, cinema, installation … Read more

Dear William presents a dramatized reading of the text "The Revolution of the Blessed", Dias Gomes

COLLECTIVE THEATER OF WILLIAM DEAR PRESENTS TEXT dramatized reading "The Revolution of the Blessed", Dias Gomes 12/06/2018 the 20:00 (Tuesday). Reading office Guilherme Araujo Rua Redentor 157, Ipanema Collective THE WILLIAM OF DEAR, formed from Theater Workshops Practices Reading Office Guilherme Araújo, coordinated by … Read more