Well-known Portuguese-Brazilian philosopher has been a victim of Asian wasps

Fabiano de Abreu. Photo: Disclosure / MF Global Press.

Fabiano de Abreu had his grape production devastated because of wasps Asian wasps are one of the hot topics in Brazil. But it's been a reality in Portugal since last year. The journalist, philosopher and psychoanalyst Fabiano de Abreu is Portuguese-Brazilian and produces wine in Portugal. Fabiano came to report … Read more

Brazilian newspaper proof of origin St. Anthony Castelo de Paiva

Portal Sawn in Castelo de Paiva. Photo: newspaper Paivense / MF Global Press.

13 June is celebrated the day of St. Anthony, known as the matchmaker and has millions of followers in Brazil, as well as around the world. Although the Holy has as his birthplace the city of Lisbon in Portugal, in the year 1195, and is also known as Saint … Read more