Solar Art Gallery opens the exhibition 'Play'

Solar Art Gallery, NGO Solar Meninos de Luz, promote free, from 04 October, the exhibition "Play". Curated by André Sheik and Jorge Sayão and coordination Osvaldo Carvalho, the new exhibition features four artists who make art in a fun way. The proposal is to show that making art is … Read more

Parque Lage – IUPERJ offers the first Graduate Trustees for training in Rio de Janeiro

Inaugural class, open to the public, will be on 14 March (on wednesday), com o artista Marcos Chaves e o curador Paulo Sergio Duarte O IUPERJ e a Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage apresentam o curso de pós-graduação “lato sensu” Curadoria de Arte Moderna e Contemporânea, com coordenação dos críticos de arte e curadores PauloRead more