Singer from Niterói is invited to the Winter Jazz Festival in Penedo

Niterói is represented at the Winter Jazz Festival in Penedo. Singer Giovana Adoracion. Photo: Disclosure.

Singer Giovana Adoracion, who collects years on the road and reinvented herself during the pandemic with her online project Friday Hour, is scheduled for a live show. She participates in the coming days 16 and 17 do Winter Jazz Festival, no Jazz Village Penedo, scheduled for the two-day one-two, with the presence of … Read more

“Festival Toriba Musical” this week has Jazz, Tango and Opera

Marco Bernardo, pianist and singer. Photo: Otavio Dias.

Good music continues to echo in the majestic mountains of Serra da Mantiqueira! The Toriba Musical Festival continues this week with three performances in the Fireplace Room of the Hotel Toriba, at 7:30 pm. On Wednesday, 7 of October, Marco Bernardo, accompanied by piano by Antonio Luiz Barker, interprets jazz and Tom songbook classics … Read more

6ª Edition of the BB Seguros Festival of Blues and Jazz

6ª Edition of the BB Seguros Festival of Blues and Jazz. Disclosure.

The nationwide blues and jazz event reinvents itself and shows new paths for major festivals 38 artists participate in the innovative edition, in exclusive shows shown via internet and also in person, no sistema drive-in, on screens. 26/9 – Curitiba 03/10 – Belo Horizonte 10/10 – São Paulo 31/10 – … Read more

BB Seguros de Blues Festival & Jazz 2020

Warm up the 6th. BB Seguros Blues and Jazz Live Festival debuts with Hamilton de Holanda The BB Seguros Blues and Jazz Festival already has a date and time set to start its sixth edition. Thursday, 30/4, at 8:0 pm, in your house, with Hamilton de Holanda and his mandolin in honor of Moraes Moreira. … Read more

In one presentation at the Sala Cecilia Meirelles Trio's concert Panossian, Wednesday, 27, ACE 20 Hours

The French Alliances of Brazil with the support of Air France and SPEDIDAM bring to Brazil, Jazz trio "Remi Panossian Trio", in a single presentation at the Sala Cecilia Meirelles, on wednesday, day 27 th November of 2019, at 8:0 pm. The jazz trio French Remi Panossian Trio (RP3) will make a single presentation at … Read more

musical performances in the Premier Wine have fixed grid

Singer-songwriter Giovana Adoracion becomes part of the Premier Wine Team, of Niterói, the Center of Rio de Janeiro and Copacabana. The artist will make fixed performances starting on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Every Thursday the musical presentation will be in store from downtown Rio to 19h, on Fridays … Read more

Experimental jazz quartet takes the stage of the Audio Rebel

Thiago Ferté. Photo: Disclosure.

The South zone of Rio de Janeiro, the Audio Rebel receives in 08 September (Friday), at 8:0 pm, one more night jazz with presentation of the Quartet Rutigliano, Ferté, Ch & Barrozo. At the concert, the band brings experimental repertoire with striking compositions as "Impressions" by John Coltrane, and "Everything Happens to Me", let go Adir … Read more

Cultural box Brasilia presents the Jazz series of Henri Matisse

“It is not enough to put colors, by very beautiful they are, some at the foot of the other, It takes even if these colors Act on each other. Otherwise is pure cacophony. Jazz is a rhythm and a meaning”. Henri Matisse, 1952 The Cultural Box Brasilia inaugurates day 25 of October the exhibition Henri Matisse – Jazz, with … Read more

American trumpeter Peter Evans brings all its versatility to the Audio Rebel

Living up to its role as the independent scene of the river, specializing in experimental music alternative, the Audio Rebel receives an international attraction next Monday, a must for anyone who likes jazz and all the mix of sounds, the creativity and energy that this style proposes. O trompetista norte-americano Peter Evans é destaque naRead more

Sesc Sorocaba presents show das Cavalciuk in new design

'Cio da Terra' aims to reveal releases by artists from Sorocaba and region The new project "Cio da Terra", SESC Sorocaba, brings, from this month, a series of concerts dedicated to the launch of artists materials in the region of Sorocaba. The premiere will be on the singer/songwriter Paula Cavalciuk, who … Read more