Book “Experimenting the Experimental”. Disclosure.

Ivair Reinaldim and Michelle Sommer launch book with studies on art criticism in Brazil. Sponsored by PROEX / Capes and seal by Editora Circuito, edition is free and can be downloaded from the publisher's website. Ivair Reinaldim and Michelle Farias Sommer launch digital book about experimental in Brazilian art. Sponsored by PROEX / Capes and seal by Editora Circuito, to … Read more

Chat art moves the Aquino Angelo exposure, in the Valley of the Vines, with Ivair Reinaldim and Aquino Eduarda

On 20 July (Saturday), a A2 + Mul.ti.plo, unique contemporary art gallery in Petropolis, promotes conversation between the curators and Ivair Reinaldim Aquino Eduarda. The event takes place around the exhibition "Imaginary Landscapes", Angelo de Aquino (1945–2007), one of the best known names of contemporary Brazilian art. The show features … Read more