Campus Party: How the people from Brasilia behaved with topics about the risks of misuse of the internet

Dr. Genetic code cheating and evolutionary process of PhD in neuroscience. Photo: Gabriel Maciel - Campus Party.

Dr. Fabiano de Abreu Agrela was the master speaker at the Brasília event The fourth edition of Campus Party Brasília took place last week and among the subjects discussed during Dr.. Fabiano de Abreu Agrela were the risks of misuse of the internet. according to the teacher, in the lecture, who had all … Read more

Statue of Brilliance Project will honor Aldir Blanc, Mrs. Ivone Lara and Gonzaguinha

Shine Statue Project, featured. Disclosure.

Institution will honor the Tijuca neighborhood, presenting the place with a statue of a remarkable personality of the region Rio de Janeiro – July 2021 – In internet voting, through the link:, Cariocas can choose for two weeks – since today (day 5) until 16 July – who will receive a bronze statue: AldirRead more

Adriana Jungbluth releases free audiovisual script course for authors

Adriana Jungbluth, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

Author, curator of two courses, short film producer and screenwriter, Adriana Jungbluth launches didactic course on screenplay techniques at IGTV In quarantine, many people found comfort by acquiring knowledge through courses available on the internet. Exploring this idea, a writer, roteirista e produtora Adriana Jungbluth iniciou um curso gratuitamente em sua conta do Instagram. … Read more

E-Dinner Online Theater Show

E-Dinner Online Theater Show, card - featured. Disclosure.

Programming 08 to 10 May Dinners, music, lives, chats, Testimonials, theatrical content and expressions on the internet All weekends in May, from sixth to sunday, at various determined times, “E-CENA” happens, SHOW ONLINE THEATER ". One of the festival's goals is to get out of the “theater bubble” and expand, … Read more

Curitiba NGO makes Classical Music Concerts available on the internet

#culturaemcasa In order to encourage the consumption of classical and instrumental music, and NGO Unicultura, dedicated to cultural projects, will broadcast the concert Bravíssimo - A Magia da Voz Humana, on your Facebook page the day 23 April, to 20 hours. Reconhecendo o potencial transformador da arte em nossa sociedade eRead more

Philosopher brings ten tips to overcome loneliness and depression

The philosopher and writer Abreu Fabiano brings ten advice to overcome moments of loneliness and depression and have a fuller life Although we are increasingly connected, technological and tuned, we as a society increasingly individualistic, and isolated in our cubicles. O fenômeno social da internet nem sempre se traduz emRead more

The era of narrowing between birth and death

“We waste time playing a reality to justify the loneliness”, says Fabiano de Abreu. The writer, philosopher, pesquisador e SEO em uma empresa de mídia social Fabiano de Abreu discorreu sobre a era do estreitamento entre o nascimento e a morte pois, him though, We waste time playing a reality to justify the loneliness. “Perdemos tempo publicandoRead more
