IAzinha: Brasil, land of thousand colors

IAzinha. Image of benzoix on Freepik.

IAzinha is an adorable and curious artificial intelligence, designed to spread joy and fun. With a light and relaxed personality, IAzinha seeks to make interaction with artificial intelligence a pleasant and captivating experience. With a touch of robotic humor, IAzinha tries to make users smile. Your responses can include clever puns and jokes … Read more

The Digital Revolution in the Art Gallery: The Impact of Technology on the Visitor Experience

The Digital Revolution in the Art Gallery: The Impact of Technology on the Visitor Experience. Photo: br.depositphotos.com.

The history of art has witnessed several revolutions over the centuries, from the invention of oil painting to the avant-gardes of the 20th century. However, The 21st century brought with it a unique and innovative revolution – the Digital Revolution. This revolution has permeated all spheres of society, including the way we interact … Read more

The Uncertain Future of Painting: A Reflection on the Influence of Artificial Intelligence on 2024

The Uncertain Future of Painting: A Reflection on the Influence of Artificial Intelligence on 2024. Photo: br.depositphotos.com.

The rise of artificial intelligence (IA) has permeated different areas of society, transforming the way we interact with the world around us. Among the many spheres affected, art, specifically the painting, emerges as a frontier where the fusion between human creativity and AI algorithms raises profound questions about the future of this expression … Read more

Exhibition "A.I.. Artificial Intelligence - Irreversible. Now." premieres at Cidade das Artes and presents the possible directions of this technology to the public

Exhibition "A.I.. Artificial Intelligence - Irreversible. Now.". Photo: Bruno Lenses.

Interactive show will debate the ways of artificial intelligence and how it interacts with human beings through the ages. Free, will be on the poster of 6 November to 5 December An exhibition full of cinematographic references, meanings and that has the human being as a source to think about the undeniable advance of artificial intelligence and … Read more

to win crisis, audiovisual sector transforms and invests in technology

Prime Art. Photo: Disclosure.

migrate online, investing in technology and corporate communication were some of the solutions found by the producers In a time of great digital transformation, the audiovisual sector has become one of the main tools for the effective communication of people and organizations, as it is directly linked to the way in which society creates and consumes … Read more

What is the best way to achieve immortality?

Brain. Photo: Pixabay / Disclosure / MF Global Press.

Cryogenics, DNA copy or robot memory storage? Understand the search for the science that is working for us to be immortal. The search for immortality has always been a theme in books, movies, in the thoughts of humans and scientists. Who wouldn't want to stay young forever or live forever? As many must already have … Read more

Exhibition unites art and artificial intelligence in MAS / SP

Artworks react to the presence of people, reflect feelings and interact through movements on visual stimuli and facial Museum of Sacred Art of São Paulo - MAS / SP, institution of the Department of Culture and Economy of the State of São Paulo Creative, dando sequência aos eventos comemorativos de seu Jubileu de Ouro a serRead more

Book recalls history and shows the challenges of textile industry

"Art and technique of clothing in Santa Catarina" brings the history of the industries of the third largest textile producer in Brazil. Projeto editorial é o primeiro a usar Inteligência Artificial para promover seu conteúdo gratuitamente O que Santa Catarina tem a ver com a roupa que você veste? Mostrar a resposta dessa pergunta é a principalRead more