The Digital Revolution in the Art Gallery: The Impact of Technology on the Visitor Experience

The Digital Revolution in the Art Gallery: The Impact of Technology on the Visitor Experience. Photo:

The history of art has witnessed several revolutions over the centuries, from the invention of oil painting to the avant-gardes of the 20th century. However, The 21st century brought with it a unique and innovative revolution – the Digital Revolution. This revolution has permeated all spheres of society, including the way we interact … Read more

Dance Intensive promotes immersion in different modalities

Orbital - Intensive Dances. Photo: Disclosure.

Independent initiative promotes immersion in different dance modalities in Brasilia, here comes the first edition of Orbital – Intensive of Dances Training show in the dance universe with classroom and online classes Where before it was for the practice and learning of Pole Dance, only, now Pole Voe Studio partners with … Read more