VIII Journey of Education and Ethnic-Racial Relations of the Art Museum of Rio begins on the day 23 November

Performer Uýra. Photo: Ricardo Oliveira.

teachers, educators and researchers will exchange experiences and reflections on how art and culture can contribute to the construction of an anti-racist education and society, inclusive, plural and democratic The Museum of Art of Rio – MAR, under the management of the Institute Odeon, promotes its VIII Day of Education and Ethnic-Racial Relations … Read more

Museum of Art of Rio - MAR launches program of Escola do Olhar Online

Belmiro de Almeida - Black young woman figure, the 1880. Photo: Daniela Paoliello.

Proposal is to present to the public a new form of mediation in the virtual environment, with accessibility features, and revisit educational and training activities prioritizing dialogue More than 100 days since the Museum of Art of Rio - MAR, under the Institute's management Odeon, closed its doors to the public due to the pandemic … Read more

MAR debates social activism in favelas in the context of the pandemic

Live - Favela social activism in the pandemic scenario, MAR. Disclosure.

The Art Museum of the river-SEA, under the Institute's management Odeon, this Thursday (18/6), às 17h, a live to debate favela social activism in the pandemic scenario. The conversation will feature two active residents of Morro da Providência: the museum education coordinator, Hugo Oliveira, and the visual artist … Read more

Meeting # tide discusses the seven years of existence and the future of the Rio Art Museum

Event promoted by the Odeon Institute brought together great names in the afternoon of debates about the legacy and the next challenges of MAR On Wednesday afternoon, 12, Odeon Institute promoted the Rio Art Museum Meeting the tide #. The event brought together major names in the industry to celebrate the legacy of these SEA 7 years … Read more

Museum of Art receives Rio Mare Meeting #

Seminar sponsored by Odeon reflects on the legacy of MAR Institute along its 7 years of existence and promotes debate on the future of the Data museum: 12 de fevereiro às 15h Entrada gratuita O Museu de Arte do Rio – MAR foi um presente para o Rio de Janeiro, inaugurado no dia doRead more

Urban rhythms take care of Cleon Jacques Theater with Demystify Your Dance

from Wednesday (03/10) to sunday (07/10), the Cleon Jacques Theater receives the second edition of Demystify Your Dance. The event brings together artists in Curitiba and street dance researchers to experience, reflect the urban dances and their different realities. To shake the ground brings the event Curitiba, to-face and novel way, representantes daRead more
