multimedia project “Mirages”, directs light, lens and look at dissident bodies

Mirages. Photo: Lainha Loyola.

Sponsored by FAC – Background to the culture of the Federal District, Lainha Loiola and Gustavo Letruta launch the multimedia project Miragens Photo essay to deconstruct limiting narratives wins video exhibition and website Desprotagonizados, away, marginalized, are the positions that some bodies, no matter how much they are present in our daily lives, fit to occupy … Read more

Dance Intensive promotes immersion in different modalities

Orbital - Intensive Dances. Photo: Disclosure.

Independent initiative promotes immersion in different dance modalities in Brasilia, here comes the first edition of Orbital – Intensive of Dances Training show in the dance universe with classroom and online classes Where before it was for the practice and learning of Pole Dance, only, now Pole Voe Studio partners with … Read more