At the Theater of CAIXA Cultural Brasília, exhibition of The Storytelling Carpets

Shows "The Storytelling Carpets 24 years old". Photo: Flávio Salgado.

CAIXA Cultural Brasília presents The Storytelling Carpets in a commemorative action to celebrate the International Day of the Portuguese Language (5 de Mayo), and National Language Day (21 de Mayo) Storytelling Carpets celebrate 24 years in a free exhibition filled with stories and world children's literature 7 to 22 … Read more

First Edition Vidas Secas and Grande Sertão Veredas go to auction in São Paulo

The first edition of the book Vidas Secas, novel published in 1938, It depicts the miserable life of a family of retreatants sertanejos forced to move from time to time to areas less punished by drought, with the dedication of the author, Graciliano Ramos, will be displayed until 26 September and will be auctioned in days 27, 28 … Read more