Carioca big date takes the circus activities Burned

Free presentations and workshops take place on the day 19 September, Saturday, from the respectable public 3:00 pm Carioca big date will have a Saturday of fun the day 19 September, from the 3:00 pm. With a theme focused on riding stables, the Globo project, que proporciona mensalmente arte e cultura para moradores doRead more

Tanguá receives wellness activities promoted by Globe

Tanguá receives wellness activities promoted by Globe yoga classes, Tai chi chuan, dance and zumba in youth Square on the day 13 September, from 9am on the day 13 September, Sunday, residents of Tanguá will have the opportunity to relax with wellness activities offered by Globo na Praça … Read more

Sunday afternoons recalls songs and artists that have marked generations

Sunday afternoons recall songs and artists that have marked generations Dalto opens the second season of the Globo project, in Copacabana, on 13 de setembro O público que gosta de recordar sucessos e cantar músicas que marcaram gerações terá a oportunidade de reencontrar seus artistas preferidos na segunda temporada do Tardes de Domingo. On … Read more

Globe kiosk receives 13th edition will be in films of the International Festival of children's Cinema

Globo kiosk receives films that will be in the 13th edition of the International Children's Film Festival Screenings in Copacabana take place on 29 and 30 August In partnership with Globo and Globo Filmes, the International Children's Film Festival will take in advance to Quiosque da Globo, in Copacabana, in the days 29 and … Read more

Take Ludmilla and globe's in mind for Belford Roxo

Ludmilla. Photo Credit: Rodolfo Viana.

Take Ludmilla and globe's in mind for Belford Roxo Attractions present day 29 August, Saturday, from the funk to the pagoda 7:0 pm, the River Station features in Belford Roxo the successes of Ludmilla and Group All in the mind, on 29 August, Saturday. Os shows acontecem no Marco ZeroRead more

Globe promotes Geraldo Azevedo in the final show of the Northeastern beauty contest

Globe promotes Geraldo Azevedo in the final show of the Northeastern Singer presents beauty contest successes on the day 28 August, at the fair of Saint Kitts, ending the fifth edition contest, that hit record with more than 1.500 inscrições A quinta edição do concurso ‘Beleza Nordestina’, conducted by the Center Luiz Gonzaga of Northeastern Traditions – … Read more

Sandra de Sá participates in the sea of cultures – Music in honor of Tim Maia

Bruno Levinson, Fabio Stella, Carlos Dafé, and musicians of the band Royal Victory are also invited in the chat that happens on the day 20 August, at 19h, no Quiosque da Globo A voz rouca, serious and loaded, e o estilo soul transformaram Tim Maia em um dos maiores ícones da música popular brasileira. To the sound of … Read more

Globe performs first edition of Little Carpenter

Globe carries out the first edition of the Carioca children's Activities Program happen in the day 16 August, Sunday, in M. Park next Sunday, 16 August, will be a day packed with free activities for kids that are walking with the family in M. Park. In the first edition of the Little Carpenter, versão infantil do Programão Carioca –Read more

Sea of Cultures gets Marcos Caruso to debate about Theatre at the kiosk of the Globe

Sea of Cultures gets Marcos Caruso to debate about Theatre at the Globe kiosk Veríssimo Junior, Reinaldo Sant’ Ana and Carmen Mello also are the guests of this edition that happens on the day 13 August, quinta-feira O Mar de Culturas vai levar ao público um bate-papo sobre o teatro em diferentes contextos sociais nesta quinta-feira, … Read more

Big date Carioca leads workshops, films and plays the Niterói

Big date Carioca leads workshops, films and plays the Niterói Globo Initiative takes place on the day 15 August, Saturday, a partir the 14h, no SESC do munícipio O público de Niterói vai se divertir com várias atrações culturais gratuitas no Programão Carioca do dia 15 August, Saturday. From the 2:00 pm, there will be … Read more