Environmentalist debuts documentary about garbage on Everest and warns about the future of the Planet

Caio Queiroz. Photo: Disclosure.

https://www.obrasdarte.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Everest-Sustentável.mp4 (Documentary teaser “Everest Sustainable”). Amid the pandemic, documentary that warns about the importance of environmental awareness is released on Canal Off / Globosat; the premiere takes place on World Environment Day and the documentary “Everest Sustentável” brings a reflection on the consequences of the human being's actions on the Planet São Paulo, June … Read more

Ewan Macdonald, daughter of Latin, shows talent as an actress in play

Ewan Macdonald. Photo: Disclosure / MF Global Press.

Ewan Macdonald, Latin singer's daughter with Cristina Attorney, made your debut as a television actress in soap opera Rock Story, the Globe, and now shows your talent in play "mayfly", that ended the first season on "Ramp Space, Place of Creation ", in Copacabana, in Rio de Janeiro, and will perform soon … Read more

Tuesday, day 30, will be the last day to visit the "Abaporu", masterpiece by Tarsila do Amaral, at the Art Museum of the river-SEA

The work "Abaporu" (1928), Tarsila do Amaral, considered the first lady of the national modernism, will be at the Museum of art of River-SEA only until next Tuesday, day 30 August. The frame, that is part of the acquis of the Malba, in Buenos Aires, returned to Rio de Janeiro for the first time since … Read more

Marvelous city celebrates birthday with another edition of the River from my eyes

Praça Mauá will receive the globe project which features DJs, projections, stunts and spectacle of lights in the day 5 March, Saturday, a partir das 18h O Rio de Janeiro vai mergulhar em uma experiência única que mistura arte e tecnologia para comemorar seu aniversário de 451 years. No período em que os olhares seRead more

OLiberato pop sound animates the Young public Evenings in Copacabana

Globe project leads the singer to the Kiosk of the Globe the day 21 February, Sunday, às 17h O Quiosque da Globo vai ser palco da apresentação de mais uma revelação do Jovens Tardes – projeto da emissora que leva ao público novos talentos da música brasileira. On 21 February, Sunday, from … Read more

Monoblock and Fire & Passion do free shows Carnival Edition of River Station

Flying Circus will stage the Globe that happens on the day 21 February, Sunday, from 7 pm Revelers, keep not even his costumes and props. Is that on the day 21 February, Sunday, Globo will organize a big party for those who like to enjoy Momo's festivities until the … Read more

Gabriel Moura and Rodrigo Sha lead to Short, The beach mixture acoustics and Electronics show Burburin

Project schedule the Globe happens on the day 13 February, in Piratininga, and offers wellness classes and sports activities The public who are passing along the shore of Piratininga, Niterói, on 13 February, Saturday, you will have the chance to participate in various free activities of the short, Beach. From 9:00, the … Read more

Like, The beach features show of Luiz Melodia and wellness activities in São Conrado

New Globe project, What happens on the day 23 January, Saturday, será o bate-papo sobre a campanha Água Limpa é a Onda O dia vai começar cedo para quem gosta de praticar exercícios ao ar livre e curtir a programação do Curta, Beach. The next edition will be on Globe project 23 … Read more

Experts participate in chat in Globe kiosk and take questions from the public about the Zika Virus

Schedule of the day 21 January, Thursday, at 18h, is part of the Sea of ​​Cultures The Zika Virus epidemic is currently one of the most frequent topics in the press and among friends. Not only pregnant women – due to cases of microcephaly linked to the disease – have doubts about the transmitted virus … Read more

Like, Beach receives the singer João Sabiá and promotes free activities for the whole family in Copacabana

Event takes place on the day 9 January, Saturday, from 9:00, the Globe Kiosk Project Short, The beach comes to the sands of Copacabana on the day 9 January, Saturday, from 9:00, Wellness activities (Zumba, Yoga and stretching), Football, Volleyball, footvolley and lessons with the Brazilian Badminton Confederation, GolfeRead more