The difficulties of Brazilian authors

Rachel Fernandes, Gleiber Clodomiro, Vanessa Guimarães and Isabela Zinn. Disclosure.

With a low rate of readers in the country, writers report difficulties they face in the literary medium The most recent survey by Retratos da Leitura pointed out that Brazil lost 4,6 millions of readers among 2015 and 2019. According to the percentage, the index dropped from 56% for 52%, being that 48% of the Brazilian population represent … Read more

Fantasy books to read at 2021

Livros "John Aron e o enigma dos sonhos", "O reino da Rosa negra" e "Numbers – As Runas do Poder", covers - featured. Disclosure.

Discover stories with incredible lessons to be read later this year Fantastic stories are excellent reading options for those who like to get out of the current reality and live new experiences in another universe. Very famous among Brazilian readers, fantasy books end up standing out on the shelves and aiming at that interest, we gather … Read more

Gleiber Clodomiro launches “John Aron and the enigma of dreams”, your debut book

Gleiber Clodomiro e seu livro "John Aron e o enigma dos sonhos". Disclosure.

The artist from Minas Gerais uses Congonhas (MG) as one of the great scenarios of history Passionate about fantasy since childhood, Gleiber Clodomiro found a sea of ​​possibilities after attending a literary fair in person 2010. Enchanted by the universe of writing, the artist raised the possibility of creating his own universe through a book, but was … Read more