
Gilvan Nunes, Beatrice, 2021, wall ceramics. Measures: 3. 46 x 30 x 30 cm. Photo: Disclosure.

Based in the United States, Gilvan Nunes opens solo exhibition curated by Fernando Cocchiarale at Galeria Patricia Costa “The path always ends up converging”, defined Gilvan Nunes when talking about oil paintings, drawings, ceramics and porcelains that he presents in the individual “Hilomorfismos”, from day 14 July, after a hiatus of 5 years without … Read more

Windows of the Soul

The art is presented in the prism gothic, the sound of Gregorian chants ambientando a crowded space of light beams that further enhance the expressions of the artist Oil Rafael Matos. As he sets, a exposição Janelas da Alma representa a “coroação de uma vida”. With a different look, o artista consideraRead more