Son of Amílcar de Castro, Rodrigo de Castro opens solo show with new production on the day 8 August

Work of Rodrigo de Castro: Photo: Denise Andrade and Cynthia Zilma.

Rodrigo de Castro: Between Shapes and Colors” For the first time, artist presents steel sculptures with automotive paint, plus recent screens, at the Patricia Costa Gallery, curated by Vanda Klabin Known for his precise brushstrokes that explore the color field with geometric lines, Rodrigo de Castro allowed himself to transit, for the first time in his career, … Read more

“Inserções” at Patrícia Costa Gallery

Insertion 47 - 160x220 by Adriano Mangiavacchi. Photo: Disclosure.

Adriano Mangiavacchi completes more than 40 years of trajectory and exhibits new works in 1982, Italian artist Adriano Mangiavacchi had his first solo show at Parque Lage. Four decades later, he presents recent and unpublished works in the exhibition “Inserções”, that opens the day 8 of december, at the Patricia Costa Gallery, in Copacabana, IS in the day … Read more

Paiva Brazil – “playful”

Paiva Brazil, red, Blue, green and purple - 40x81cm - 2021. Photo: Disclosure.

Galeria Patrícia Costa pays posthumous tribute to the artist, on display that opens on September 1st Synthetic and eloquent, the most recent works produced by Paiva Brasil, during the last two years that he was isolated in his atelier, were reduced to a few shapes and a few colors, bringing a synthesis of their work … Read more