Christmas concert under the baton of Claudio Cruz ends the year of Camerata Antiqua

The closing concert of the season 2016 spectacles of the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba, sponsored by the Ministry of culture and by Volvo, happens this weekend, under the baton of renowned violinist Claudio Cruz and participation of soprano, Carla Cottini. Titled ' Joy to the World ', the presentations included in Christmas celebrations, will be … Read more

FCC and SEEC firm term of adherence of Curitiba to the State System of Museums

The President of the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba, Marcos Cordiolli, and the Secretary of State for culture, João Luiz Fiani, signed this Tuesday (6) the technical cooperation agreement for accession of the municipal museums of Curitiba to the State System of Museums of Paraná. The partnership allows the Union of efforts to manage, modernization, difusão e capacitaçãoRead more

Music workshop continues with registration open until 20 November

Completing two weeks with registration open, the 35th music workshop of Curitiba has already 450 enrolled students, such as 81 foreigners. Thirteen are courses with vacancies exhausted. Promoted by the city of Curitiba, through the Cultural Foundation and the Curitiba Institute for art and culture (ICAC), the workshop will be held from 7 … Read more

House Kozák opens collective exhibition of artists of the Creativity Center

A Casa Kozak, cultural center of Uberaba neighborhood, reopened in September after undergoing renovations and expansion, opens on Friday (28) the exhibition "Ubiquity", that brings together works in ceramics, binding, notch, marchetaria, Mosaic and restoration of wood, artists ateliers of the Curitiba Creativity Center. Os artistas foram convidados a exporRead more

Photographic exhibition "shift(…)"transforms the common and everyday life in surreal

The "shift(…) the offset of a thought, a will, a feeling "Sander Riqueti will be on view in the Gallery EMBAP, from 17 October 2016, Monday to Friday, the 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm, exceptionally days 19 and 26 October of 10:00 at 4:00 pm, it is Saturday, from 10:00 to 12:00. The exhibition brings together … Read more

Curitiba comics Biennale makes donation to the collection of Gibiteca

The collection of Gibiteca of Curitiba received 300 comics collected during the biennial Curitiba comics held in September this year. Among the donations made by the Organization of the event are national and independent titles. A entrega foi feita ma última semana no espaço administrado pela Fundação Cultural de Curitiba pelo coordenador da BienalRead more

Curitiba Memorial presents "group show with works by 40 independent artists

Present and give visibility to new artists who haven't yet recognition and sponsorship is not the Mission of the national convocation of AIREZ – Independent Artists Gallery. For the first time in its history organized a group exhibition with the purpose of revealing anonymous talents, all from a selection of members by the website of the Gallery ( Altogether, … Read more

Cultural gate receives the attractions of Curitiba comics Biennale

For four days, from 8 to 11 September (Thursday to Sunday), the MuMA, Cultural gate, will host the biennial Curitiba comics. During this period, the space will be home to more than 100 national and international artists, with his sharp eye on the world, have much to contribute to the democratization of … Read more

Artistic diversity of the Mendes family on display in Curitiba Memorial

Artistic production of three generations of the Mendes family will be on display at the Salon in Curitiba Memorial Paranaguá, from 11:0, This Saturday (28). Curated Fernando Bini, “M3ND3S” the paintings in oil on canvas by Jair Mendes; the videos, paintings, drawings and installation of Cristina Mendes and André Mendes productions. … Read more

Camerata Antiqua makes presentations at hospitals this Tuesday and Wednesday

The Orchestra and chorus of the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba are held between 23 and 24, free presentations and open to the general public, at the Hospital das Clinicas, Santa Cruz, Little Prince and the University Hospital Cajuru. O espetáculo dedicado aos pacientes e profissionais dos hospitais conta com um repertório de obras clássicasRead more