Thud Loose leads its mixture of rhythms to the theater in Madeira Island

Teatro do Paiol receives next Thursday (22), to 20 hours, the concert of the band Baque Solto: “cinematherapyreligionecarnaval”. Touring five states in Brazil, the band performs in Curitiba with tickets at popular prices. O novo projeto do grupo está sendo realizado com o apoio do Programa de Apoio e Incentivo à CulturaRead more

Cultural current moves Curitiba with Marathon of shows and other attractions

Hundreds of shows and artistic attractions take care of Curitiba in the week of 3 to 8 November. The Cultural Current 2015 is being organized by the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba to provide an intense stage outdoor programming, squares, theaters and cultural centers. The major attractions are reserved for the weekend, … Read more

The Poet receives the launch of the children's book "the girl who collected Stones"

Next Sunday (11), from 10:00 to 1:00 pm, The Poet receives the launch of the children's book "the girl who collected Stones". Written by poet and student of Pedagogy Catarina Rielli Vieira, the publication tells the story of a girl who liked all kinds stones. It could be great, small, escura ouRead more

With more courses, Music workshop of Curitiba opens registration

The city back to house the various musical strands chords with the 34th Edition of the music workshop of Curitiba, which happens to 7 to 27 January 2016. Registration for the 112 courses, classical phases, popular e da nova categoria música e tecnologia já podem ser feitas no site … Read more

Hamilton de Holanda presents free show in the mouth Fucking

Next Saturday (10), the fucking mouth gets another edition of the culture programme on the street, this time with award-winning mandolinist Hamilton de Holanda, that comes to town with the tour of the album "by the Brazil", a partir the 19h. The new design is a portrait of Brazilian musical diversity and consists in the design, creation … Read more

Camerata Antiqua presents educational concert for students of the municipal schools

The program "Feeding with music", created by the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba with the goal of spreading among the students of municipal schools the language of classical music, has Santa Maria Chapel presentations this week (from 5 to 9 October). On Saturday, day 10, às 18h30, turns out the closure with the show open to the public. … Read more

Cinematheque presents movies to celebrate "day of Hispanicity"

The Cinémathèque de Curitiba displays this week, from 8 to 11 October, the show "Hispanicity goes to the movies", with Peru movies, Mexico, Argentina and Spain. The show was organized by the Cultural Center of Spain and Chilean Colony of Curitiba, with the support of the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba. A mostra celebra o “Dia daRead more

Film Club of the Cinematheque presents Cycle Roberto Rossellini

The film society of the Cinematheque displays in October a series of four films by Roberto Rossellini (1906-1977), consecrated director and one of the Italian neorealism of exponents, ao lado de Vittorio de Sica and Luchino Visconti. The move came after the Second World War, reflecting the economic and social reality of that period. One of the films of Rossellini, … Read more

FCC prepares special programming for the “Day of Reading. Every Day!”

This Thursday, day 1, happens the event “Day of Reading. Every Day!”, uma mobilização nacional de incentivo à leitura realizada em mais de 200 Brazilian cities. In Curitiba, a ação acontecerá nas unidades da Rede Municipal de Bibliotecas Escolares (Faróis do Saber, Bibliotecas Escolares, Bibliotecas Temáticas, Biblioteca Especializada em Educação e Gibitecas), nas Casas daRead more

Culture on the street: BNegão led show 5 a thousand people to Mouth Fucking

Last Saturday (19) the fucking mouth was the scene of the sixth edition of the project “Culture on the street”, It takes free performances for city streets. This time the show was on account of BNegão & Frequency selectors, they released their third album, Transmutation, and featured tracks such as "in the Dawn", “Fita Amarela” e “NoRead more