Musical performances celebrate the Day of black consciousness in the Largo da Ordem

To open the activities of the Party of the Rosary and celebrate the Day of black consciousness, the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba and the Cultural Centre Humaitá promote in the Largo da Ordem a series musical performances this Friday (20 November). Are also provided for activities carried out voluntarily by artists and cultural agents including, workshops, cultural experiences, exhibition, … Read more

Restoration project of Solar do Barão will receive funding of parliamentary amendment

The project of restoration of the Manor of Baron will receive annual budget resources of the municipality through a collective parliamentary amendment. That's what informed the Councillors Pedro Paulo, Felipe Braga Côrtes and Paulo Salamuni, following a visit carried out on Monday afternoon to this historical building, maintained by the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba. The … Read more

Over 110 thousand people accompanied the Cultural Current on Saturday and Sunday

The diversity of styles and took a big public attractions to the stages of Mouth Fucking, Ruins of San Francisco, Spain square, TUC, Square 29 March, Memorial of Curitiba, Hoffmann House, Santa Maria Chapel and other areas of the city on the weekend of the Cultural Current 2015. Over 110 thousand people … Read more

Chapel Santa Maria receives Current Cultural programming

The chapel Santa Maria will stage two major Current Cultural Attractions. The Opera Orchestra Curitiba with the show ' two-night Gala ' Lyric and the interactive concert Brass Quintet OSESP are part of programming that will move the city. On Friday and Saturday (days 6 and 7), to … Read more

Cultural current has attractions for children

The Cultural Current offers on Sunday (8) two attractions aimed at children. At 10:00, the Stage of the ruins will be taken by the project About troupe. In a show that involves music, dance and theatre, Artists interpret cantigas de roda. In the Repertoire are songs known by kids: "Live Fish", “I threw the stick at the Cat”, "O … Read more

Exhibition at Muma gathers images and print 3D objects

O MuMA – Municipal Art Museum inaugurates on Thursday (5), at 19h, the exhibition "Solid", Artist Curitiba Daniel Duda. The exhibition brings together images and objects produced with printing technology in three dimensions that integrate both digital media and physical concreteness. The four videos and seven works produced in 2015 mesclamRead more

Curitiba Music Workshop extends registration to 90 courses

Registration for the 34th Curitiba Music Workshop have been extended for the day 15 November. A Bureau of happens 7 to 27 January 2016, still has 90 courses with job openings in the areas of classical music, old, música popular, technological and in the city's Regional. Entries must … Read more

Cultural stream will display over 70 movies

The cinemas of the Curitiba Cultural Foundation, the Cultural Center Dante Alighieri and the SESC Palace of Liberty have a special program this week of Cultural Chain, from 3 to 8 November. They appear over 70 short and feature film productions, several times and trends, com inúmeras opções para o público adultoRead more

Cultural current have Opera, mood, Battle of rhymes and ballroom dancing

For all styles and preferences the Current Cultural programming, What happens between 3 and 8 November, goes far beyond the great shows scheduled for the stages of Mouth Fucking, San Francisco ruins and Spain Square. For this year, a Fundação Cultural de Curitiba em parceria com produtores daRead more

Reading space Eucalyptus promotes Week of Terror

The Eucalyptus Reading Space, one of the units of the Curitiba Cultural Foundation in Alto Boqueirão, promotes from next Monday (26), the week of terror. With a program aimed at children and adolescents, o espaço fará exibição de filmes, contação de histórias sobre vampiros, além de jogos literários em que os participantes escolhemRead more