Casa Europa partner of Flip 2019 brings thinkers from Europe and Brazil to discuss the future of Museums and Memory

A EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for Culture) in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, in partnership with the Frankfurt Book Fair, holds the second edition of Casa Europa at the Paraty International Literary Festival and promotes a series of debates on the future of museums and memory policies. The whole … Read more

Guilherme Vaz-a fraction of infinity

Book-catalogue about the trajectory of the multimedia artist Guilherme Vaz that brings together an overview of the life and work of one of the most complete Brazilian artists. With trouble chart, the bilingual edition features previously unpublished essays, historical texts, critical and analytical, documents, registros e fotografias O livro será lançado com um debate entre os curadores Franz Manata – … Read more

CCBB-Rio presents the exhibition "Guilherme Vaz: a fraction of Infinity "

The show features 50 years of the production of a multimedia artist, experimental musician, Maestro and thinker. A member of the Vanguards of the years 1970, Guilherme Vaz is one of the pioneers of conceptual art and soundtrack, responsável pela introdução da música concreta no cinema brasileiro O Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil do Rio de Janeiro, CCBB-Rio apresenta aoRead more