Photographer gives tips for making good pictures on trips abroad

Will travel this holiday period and early years abroad? O fotógrafo Vagner Carvalho traz dicas para aproveitar o melhor de cada lugar e em primeira mão tendências de Paris O que você precisa para tirar uma boa foto? Some need a great camera, others want a perfect place, já outrosRead more

Lovely House launches Photobook Sabrina Pestana

"She'll be" hosts daily portraits grandfather of the photographer in your intimate space, and the project ended 236 days after it starts, com a morte súbita de seu modelo e colaborador A Lovely House promove o lançamento de “Ela vai ficar”, da fotógrafa paulistana Sabrina Pestana, editado pela autora e por Walter Costa, … Read more

Verve Gallery inaugurates individual Luisa Malzoni

“Eye d`Água "presents the results of extensive research on ancient techniques of photography and film, with works created from handmade printing processes of the nineteenth century The Verve Gallery closes its exhibition calendar 2018 with individual “d`Água eye“, da artista visual Luisa Malzoni, sob curadoria de Ian Duarte Lucas. The … Read more

Andrea Fiamenghi attends conference at Museu Afro Brazil

In "Looks Revealed", It offers the photographer 15 images documenting the ceremony Hopefully Water and festivals of the religious calendar of Candomblé The Brazilian photographer Andrea Fiamenghi participates in the collective "Looks Revealed", curated by Silvio Pinhatti, the Museum Afro Brazil. The artist presents 15 fotografias da série realizada a convite do babalorixá PaiRead more

Entries are open for the 13th ART PRIZE LAGUNA

international art award | free theme | open to all The call for artists of the 13th Art Laguna Prize was officially opened. Arte Laguna Prize is an international art contest that has been promoting contemporary art for thirteen years, collecting thousands of applications from artists from all over the world, selecionados por um júriRead more

Exposure OF MARIGO in the Atelier Gallery Image

Workshop Image Calls for a guided tour Gallery | Marigo Photos of Luiz Claudio Marigo Marigo and Vitor Guided tour on 15/10 with presence of the artist and curator. of Marigo – photos from Claudio Marigo (1950-2014) and his son Victor Marigo (1984 -) Entrada franca A Galeria do Ateliê da ImagemRead more

Last week for registrations of important photography contest sponsored by the Alliance Française Brazil, the Prix Photo Alliance Française (old Prix Photo Web) until day 7 October

Under the theme "Where's the water?"The contest offers three finishers as attractive prize ticket to Paris, scholarship at the Alliance Française, plus group exhibition at Gallery Alliance French Rio de Janeiro. As inscrições são gratuitas através do site “Todos sabemos que a vida é impossível sem aRead more

Clicks of humor and provocation in the contemporary world

The solo exhibition “POST(and)”, visual artist André Sheik and curated by Raul Mourao, It will be held at Marquis space 456 this September. The show features photographs taken with mobile phone - conducted between 2014 and 2018 - Series "Anthropomorphic". in pictures, o artista mistura sua sombra com as de postes daRead more

free courses in Theater / Film / Arts / Photography in Polo Social Arts

A CAW – Cooperative Wooleefer Actors open selection process with more than 100 free places on courses for low-income people in the State of Art Polo of Rio de Janeiro. "Studies show that smile and laugh increase the number of T cells in the blood". Essas células de nome sugestivo coordenam a resposta imuneRead more

Important photo contest sponsored by the Alliance Française Brazil, the Prix Photo Alliance Française (old Prix Photo Web) opens its registrations from the day 3 September

Under the theme "Where's the water?"The contest offers three finishers as attractive prize ticket to Paris, scholarship at the Alliance Française, plus group exhibition at Gallery Alliance French Rio de Janeiro. As inscrições são gratuitas através do site “Todos sabemos que a vida é impossível sem aRead more
