“Social networking is not news site”, says the philosopher Fabiano de Abreu

In a virtual world in which many find themselves the owner of truth and reason, publishing what they want, what do you think, convinced and convincing, who saves and what saves is the press, warns the philosopher and researcher Fabiano de Abreu: “Somente a imprensa pode definir se aquilo que foi escrito é verdadeRead more

Philosopher discusses study the issue of social inequality in Brazil, their causes and possible solutions

Philosopher and Abreu Fabiano researcher points based on their studies and UN indicators in the leading causes of the gap between the social classes in Brazil, e possíveis soluções para a desigualdade socioeconômica As desigualdades social e de gênero tem se aprofundado no Brasil a cada ano. Esse é o diagnóstico revelado pelo ProgramaRead more

“The Relevance of the Lie as Artistic Component in Oscar Wilde:” by Juliana Vannucchi

This text seeks to explore and share with readers, some observations and interpretations of an essay written by Oscar Wilde in 1891, The titled decay lie. The text referred to it is a dialogue between Vivian and Cyril, two characters that are in a library, and start to reflect on the insertion of lies … Read more

bad thoughts at night can bring bad consequences, Abreu explains Fabiano

Science recently published the discovery of a substance in our brain, in advance, which means that we have bad thoughts, especially at night. It is common that people might have insomnia, unwanted thoughts and even attitudes as a result. O filósofo Fabiano de Abreu já havia publicado em sua rede socialRead more

“Some Notes on the Legacy Artistic Düher” by Juliana Vannucchi

Fig. 1 – Knight, Death and Devil, featured, 1513. Albrecht Düher. National Gallery of Art, Washington. Rosenwald Collection. "More clearly speaking, skull, It seems to-me, expresses death, the end that is exposed in the way that man travels ". – Juliana Vannucchi.

Dear readers, below, gladly share with you the key insights I had with the paintings of Düher, how they affected me aesthetically and why so much intrigue me every time that they appreciate and give myself. First of all, dare I say that perhaps Düher was the most extraordinary painter of … Read more

Philosophy: “A solution to the sorrow can be the exchange of character” by Fabiano de Abreu

When something you agony, the shuffling is thought by the lack of answers, the inability to find the solution. Sadness installs itself as a variable, in constant substitutions between the good times and contained sadness. A natural remedy could not think, or at least replace the quality of thought. Distracted on the things “funny ', funny. Abrir-seRead more

“The works of William Blake in Counterpoint with Reason” by Juliana Vannucchi

Fig. 1 – The Circle of the Corrupt Officials; the Devils Tormenting Ciampolo, 1827. William Blake. National Gallery of Art, Washington. Rosenwald Collection. "A Arte, according to him (Blake), intuitive knowledge is not of individual things, but the eternal and superhuman forces of creation ". (ARGAN, 1988, p. 35).

William Blake was a painter and English poet, that fits and is usually associated with Romanticism (more specifically, as a pre-romantic), While all of their production has also aspects belonging to Symbolism. Blake was eccentric. His productions have been widely rejected during the period in which they were created, because they were beyond any stylistic pattern … Read more

"The Slots Mystic works of William Blake" by Juliana Vannucchi

Fig. 1 – Job and His Daughters, 1825. Featured. William Blake. British, 1757 - 1827. National Gallery of Art, Washington. Present the W.G. Russell Allen.

It was through Jim Morrison, vocalista do The Doors, I met William Blake, English outstanding artist of the nineteenth century. I read two biographies on the leader of the Doors and both, albeit differently, Blake, He was present as one of the major influences of the musician, since, it was precisely a textual passage written by … Read more

“Worth living, live worthwhile” by Fabiano de Abreu

Fabiano de Abreu. Photo: Vagner Souza / MF Global Press.

We are a generation of many who have been here and the many who will be here. these, many will fall by the wayside. No matter the weather, no matter the age, what matters is to do something so that your life does not exist by mere accounting. The changes will only be felt from the actions, the … Read more

Besides the prestige as Advisor, the Luso-Brazilian Fabiano de Abreu now Immortalizes your name among the largest Brazilian writers of history

National Library of Brazil, the city of Rio de Janeiro. Photo: Ricardo Barguine.

What the end point for success? To the writer, philosopher, Publicist and journalist Fabiano de Abreu, owner of MF Global Press, There seems to be no. Prestigious world fitness Advisor, Fabiano will have your name immortalized among the great writers in the history of Brazil. That's because your book “Live Might Not Be So Bad” … Read more
