The Uncertain Future of Painting: A Reflection on the Influence of Artificial Intelligence on 2024

The Uncertain Future of Painting: A Reflection on the Influence of Artificial Intelligence on 2024. Photo:

The rise of artificial intelligence (IA) has permeated different areas of society, transforming the way we interact with the world around us. Among the many spheres affected, art, specifically the painting, emerges as a frontier where the fusion between human creativity and AI algorithms raises profound questions about the future of this expression … Read more

How to be free following the heart? Therapist Claudia Zeni talks about routine changes, career and life from experiences in different cultures

Claudia Zeni. Photo: Personal collection / MF Press Global.

A little over ten years ago, the therapist has been deepening in studies of different ancestral philosophies and traditions; She left her promising career as an engineer and after deep dives over the past few years, sexologist graduated, transpersonal and integrative therapist, and is currently dedicated to offering lectures, experiences and assistance focused on … Read more

Recognize the four reasons for dissatisfaction with your life and how to deal with everyone

Fabiano de Abreu. Photo: Personal archive.

Psychoanalyst and neuroscientist Fabiano de Abreu lists the main factors that generate dissatisfaction and discouragement in people and how to deal with these negative feelings Anger, sadness, loneliness, frustration and anxiety. Feelings that are more and more frequent in everyday life and have been aggravated by the pandemic. They are the cause / consequence of that lack of interest in the activities of the … Read more

Philosopher Fabiano de Abreu launches series of books on the human mind during quarantine

Livro "7 pecados capitais que a filosofia explica", featured. Reproduction / MF Global Press.

The philosopher, psychoanalyst and specialist in studies of the human mind Fabiano de Abreu has released the second book in a series of five that will be released during the quarantine on Amazon and Google Books worldwide. The author plans to release a total of ten books later this year. During quarantine, one of the main challenges for people … Read more

Psychoanalyst Abreu Fabiano talks about the increase in the number of divorces in quarantine

The expert says that at the time of quarantine we must make an assessment of reality Relationships between two people are constantly changing paths. In the times we live in, the situation is forcing many couples to live together, to share space in a way as I did not long ago. Modern society has led us to … Read more

Fabiano de Abreu launches book that says that anyone can be famous

“How to become a celebrity” is the new book by Fabiano de Abreu. The book reveals the secrets of how to become famous publicist that soared over 500 people to fame. In just five years, the press officer, philosopher and psychoanalyst Fabiano de Abreu achieved the feat of becoming the … Read more

Abreu Fabiano creates concept for a lasting relationship: Tripod relationship

Today many have the impression that packed the immediacy of social networks and the internet, people have become very volatile, impatient and often intolerant of limiting the next. By offering applications and social networking sites like Tinder and Happn, love can be instantaneous, cyber and … Read more

Philosopher points out that fear of change is one of the main obstacles to create new opportunities

Fabiano de Abreu. Photo: MF Global Press.

Dissatisfaction is one of the most common feelings of this era. Job, relationships and lifestyle are examples of areas where the feeling settles and in many cases, little is done to reverse the situation. The writer and philosopher Abreu Fabiano points out that the cultivation of this sense, even though there are ways to reverse it, If … Read more

"The Christmas spirit has to last the whole year", says philosopher Fabiano de Abreu

Solidarity is one of the most striking features Christmas. Suppers solidarity for people in vulnerability and distribution of toys for children of low-income situation are examples of common actions that can be observed at this time of year. But according to the philosopher Fabiano de Abreu, These are measures that need to be perpetuated throughout … Read more

Philosopher points out that the feeling of sadness can be a path to creativity

Oddly enough, sadness can be motivating creativity. The philosopher and writer Fabiano de Abreu is a proponent of a curious theory that claims be a positive side of the feeling of sadness, it would be like a step collaborating with the creative process. It is known that great names in the arts and literature of … Read more