FRIDA KAHLO MUSEUM, by Rosângela Vig

Frida Kahlo Museum, Ana Bittar's Works, Esther Poroger and João Ribeiro, respectively - featured. Disclosure.

Renew yourself. Reborn in yourself. Multiply your eyes, to see more. Multiply your arms, to sow everything. Destroy the eyes whom have seen. Creates others for new visions. Destroy the arms they have sown. To forget to harvest. Always be the same. Always another. But always loud. Always far away. And inside … Read more

The History of Paper, by Rosângela Vig

Fig. 1 - Role Creation, Rita Caruzzo, Collage of natural leaves on paper; Paper São Paulo, basis weight 600, mill Brazil, 2019.

Soak the brush in the blue sea, in the fire of heaven, in the soft silver of the fog that covers the mountain. Soak the brush in the sunflower's light, in the green body of hope, and on the blank paper stains appear: a house, a river, and very far away a girl with her hands full of stars. … Read more

Exhibition Things - Coffee as Poetic Mediator by Rosangela Vig

Exhibition Things - Coffee as Mediator Poetic, featured. Disclosure.

(…) This paint can,With their cold blast,Incite the withered soul Of indifference or acedia,And cast in making The soul of fallen hands,And to ask if, doing Things that challenge her.(MELO NETO, 1975, p.19) Modernity is a hurried train that carries the day by hardened stressful day tasks of life; distance us some ties, from … Read more