Philosopher Fabiano de Abreu says the phenomenon of people celebrating the tragedy

It is very common to see that before a fatal tragedy that the trend is to arouse popular interest in that particular event or personality involved. Whether on a highway when an accident happens or if the death of a celebrity who is published in all media outlets, o interesse público éRead more

Brazilian wins international award in Lisbon

The International Business Networking Award was first held in Lisbon yesterday (16). A leading Brazilian prize also will take place in Portugal each year to recognize the excellence Brazilian personalities, Portuguese and foreign. This is the first edition held in the country. They were honored at the ceremony various actors, artistas e empresários brasileiros e tambémRead more

“Social media is a universe of stars seen from Earth where all are equal ", says Fabiano de Abreu

Abreu Fabiano talks about social media, philosophy and its relationship with the press. Trecho de novo livro que será lançado este ano é divulgado Que a rede social veio pra ficar e proporcionou uma interação em níveis jamais experimentados na história isso é verdade, mas também não se pode deslumbrar apenas com osRead more

Do not let the routine do make decisions that'll regret later

Philosopher reflects on the value of routine and risks of exchange it for something doubtful and uncertain Many people complain of routine and long for an opportunity to change their lives and get out of this cycle known. However, seria isso o melhor a se fazer? Com base neste questionamento, o filósofo Fabiano de Abreu trazRead more

Philosopher points out the necessity of suffering for the improvement of human life

The Abreu Fabiano philosopher believes that suffering is part of life and can be crucial for us to have, paradoxically, better lives How often we think of ways to avoid suffering and pain in our lives? Many. Human beings generally seeks to avoid suffering at all costs, seja essa dorRead more

Philosopher brings ten tips to overcome loneliness and depression

The philosopher and writer Abreu Fabiano brings ten advice to overcome moments of loneliness and depression and have a fuller life Although we are increasingly connected, technological and tuned, we as a society increasingly individualistic, and isolated in our cubicles. O fenômeno social da internet nem sempre se traduz emRead more

Media Agency CEO opens up about how to achieve the dream verification seal Instagram

A MF Press Global, media relations and social media company with headquarters in Brazil, US and Portugal, It is an international company that most filed check seal applications on Instagram, accounting for more than 500 requests. The CEO of the company, o jornalista e empresário Fabiano de Abreu, abriu o jogo sobre comoRead more

“We reached more years, but we have less time to live”, says Fabiano de Abreu

The philosopher said to have found the answer to the question: Do not you think the time is passing too fast? There are 40 years, a person 50 years was considered an old. Women wore coke and men dressed formally, and they were respected for being old. Currently, "Young elderly" of 70 full years show signs of youth. … Read more

Luso-Brazilian philosopher is one of the smartest people in the world

Fabiano de Abreu, featured. Photo: Vagner Souza / MF Global Press.

Philosopher Fabiano de Abreu is approved as a member of Mensa, a club of world geniuses and has the highest IQ than Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Eistein The renowned publicist, journalist, pesquisador e filósofo Fabiano de Abreu foi aprovado na Mensa, the biggest, oldest and most famous high IQ society (Quotient of … Read more
