Recognize the four reasons for dissatisfaction with your life and how to deal with everyone

Fabiano de Abreu. Photo: Personal archive.

Psychoanalyst and neuroscientist Fabiano de Abreu lists the main factors that generate dissatisfaction and discouragement in people and how to deal with these negative feelings Anger, sadness, loneliness, frustration and anxiety. Feelings that are more and more frequent in everyday life and have been aggravated by the pandemic. They are the cause / consequence of that lack of interest in the activities of the … Read more

Decoration rich in colors and shapes can help child development

Children's rug. Photo: Disclosure / MF Global Press.

Line of rugs with designs specially created for children can stimulate creativity and well-being of little ones; Neuroscience proves the importance of decoration in the development of affective memory The environment where we live is capable of provoking different sensations, establish links and, of course, create affective memories. In this sense, give children a stimulating environment, even if … Read more

Professor makes a historiographic analysis of Covid-19

Ueldison Alves de Azevedo, history teacher, featured. Photo: Disclosure / MF Global Press.

Currently, COVID-19 has infected more than 28 million people, killed more than 900 thousand and recovery rate is around 19 million. Faced with an unprecedented scenario for many people, it is common to hear here and there that society will change for the better or that COVID-19 is the worst pandemic … Read more

Anxiety can be beneficial if it is controlled, states psychoanalyst

Fabiano de Abreu. Photo: Jennifer Silva.

Fabiano de Abreu, who is a psychoanalyst, neuroscientist and philosopher, explains that anxiety is a defense mechanism of the brain against possible threats, the problem would be the lack of control of this emotion Not living in the present for fear of what is supposed to happen, until the “future” arrives and nothing happens, the person is then frustrated by … Read more

September Yellow: “Amid the pandemic, never has this suicide prevention campaign become so necessary,”Says health professional

Fabiano de Abreu. Photo: Disclosure / MF Global Press.

Neuroscientist and psychoanalyst Fabiano de Abreu gives tips for patients with depression. We are in ‘Yellow September’, and never in history has this theme become more relevant than in the pandemic moment we are experiencing. The campaign started in 2015 in Brazil chose the month of September so that we can raise awareness and help by contributing with … Read more

The lack of self-knowledge leads to judge the other and invade the space of others, claims neurophilosopher

Fabiano de Abreu, featured. Photo: Vagner Souza / MF Global Press.

Fabiano de Abreu, neurophilosopher and psychoanalyst, analyzes that behavioral motives, social and cultural factors that lead others to judge their neighbors are the absence of self-knowledge and self-acceptance. Although we are at a time when diversity and respect for the different has been the subject of several discussions and artistic manifestations, cultural and … Read more

Education: Consul Manuel de Carvalho visits Castelo de Paiva to meet the neuro-philosopher Fabiano de Abreu in a project for education

Fabiano de Abreu and the consul of the Ivory Coast in Portugal, Manuel de Carvalho. Photo: Disclosure.

IQ and Brazilian neurophilosopher theory draws the attention of Portuguese consul of Côte d'Ivoire The consul of Côte d'Ivoire in Portugal, Manuel de Carvalho was at Café Central in Castelo de Paiva to meet Fabiano de Abreu. The main purpose of this meeting is to discuss how to introduce teaching methods that would elevate … Read more

Philosopher Fabiano de Abreu launches series of books on the human mind during quarantine

Livro "7 pecados capitais que a filosofia explica", featured. Reproduction / MF Global Press.

The philosopher, psychoanalyst and specialist in studies of the human mind Fabiano de Abreu has released the second book in a series of five that will be released during the quarantine on Amazon and Google Books worldwide. The author plans to release a total of ten books later this year. During quarantine, one of the main challenges for people … Read more

Well-known Portuguese-Brazilian philosopher has been a victim of Asian wasps

Fabiano de Abreu. Photo: Disclosure / MF Global Press.

Fabiano de Abreu had his grape production devastated because of wasps Asian wasps are one of the hot topics in Brazil. But it's been a reality in Portugal since last year. The journalist, philosopher and psychoanalyst Fabiano de Abreu is Portuguese-Brazilian and produces wine in Portugal. Fabiano came to report … Read more

Mother's love is medicine that heals soul wounds, states psychoanalyst

Mom. Photo: Disclosure.

Philosopher and psychoanalyst Fabiano de Abreu points out the importance of mother's love for different situations in the lives of children. There is a love in the mother like no other. A feeling so strong that there are no words with the right strength to describe it. The philosopher, psychoanalyst and specialist in studies of the human mind … Read more