Check the online schedule of the Casa-Museu Ema Klabin

Anaconda installation by Alex Flemming. Photo: Henry Light.

Artistic interventions by Alex Flemming and João Loureiro, educational activities and musical actions move the Foundation's social networks during quarantine, Casa-Museu Ema Klabin is offering a program full of attractions on its social networks through the program #CasaMuseuEmCasa On the museum's social networks, you can review exhibitions, learn more about art with interactive activities … Read more

Sesc Pinheiros receives the show "Baile Dos Orixás"

Guga Stroeter, Orchestra HeartBreakers, Aloisio Mark and Carol Bezerra cast CD of the same name in concert with participation of Fabiana Cozza Day 09 October the Sesc Pinheiros receives in 09 October (Friday), at 9:00 pm, the CD release show Dance of the Orishas. Presentation only, the musician, director and music producer Guga Stroeter and … Read more