Exhibition at the Cultural Box Rio de Janeiro discusses the relationship of humans with the environment

Series When I Saw - Libraries. Photography by Claudia Jaguaribe.

Concrete nature displays pictures, videos and installations of 17 Brazilian artists and groups the Cultural BOX Rio de Janeiro presents, from 9 September to 12 th November of 2017, Concrete Nature exposure, discussing and deepens a permanent interest in art, in science and philosophy: as relações dos seres humanos com a natureza eRead more

Renata Adler inaugurates exhibition in Rio de Janeiro in September

Renata Adler, Interwoven World. Photo: Disclosure.

The ruins Park Cultural Center, in Santa Teresa, receives 26 sculptures of the artist inspired by the solar system. Obras foram feitas a partir de técnicas que provocam reações químicas na matéria e utiliza materiais inusitados como o pó de café Exposição sobre o sistema solar marca a estreia da artista Renata Adler no Rio deRead more

RELIGARE – Exhibition of paintings by Manoel Teixeira

Manoel Teixeira, Goddess of the Valley, 57 x 72 cm. Photo: Disclosure.

From 16 from August to 16 September 2017 The shows RELIGARE brings together a continuous production of paintings, from a constructive geometric design more strict, joined to a representation of life in its most essential elements, buscando sempre um olhar atento e sensível às relações entre formas eRead more

The Studio Gallery is inaugurating day 1 September 2017 Reveries-exhibition of photos and the photographer's studies Demian Jacob

Demian Jacob, Exhibition Daydreams. Disclosure.

Opening at 7:00 pm with free admission. The exhibition Daydreams, set of 20 images, between pictures and studies, Jacob will be inaugurated Demian on the day 1 September, at 19h, Studio Gallery. Award-winning Studio Expo 2017, Devaneios leva curadoria de Marcos Bonisson e Joaquim Paiva que assina também o texto de apresentação. … Read more

Artist friburguense will bring paintings and installations to the Culture room

Bê Sancho, Harlequin. Photo: Disclosure.

The Culture room Leila Diniz receives for the first time the artist friburguense Bê Sancho, with the exhibition "Visual Poetics". Inspired by their memories, the display will consist of some installations and 35 oil paintings on canvas, of which 18 are original. The regulars of space can give the works from 4 and 29 September. … Read more

Exhibition "Constellate" inaugurates the party by 30 years of Pro-Know

Instituto Pró-Know Largo dos Leões 70, Constellate Exhibition. Photo: Disclosure.

Free programming will have displays of contemporary art, shows, concerts and lectures. From 26 august to 3 September, the Pro-Knowing opens the gates to celebrate 30 years of education. Will be nine days of programming, with popular and classical music, lectures and, as the Centre Party, the exhibition "Constellate", que ocupará todos osRead more

Alessandra Rehder subtraction and individual Form at Centro Cultural São Paulo post

Alessandra Rehder – Bawomatabo – Indonesia. 2016. 29 x 43 x 5 cm. Embossed photo. Disclosure.

The show, that opens the day 19 August, Saturday, consists of about 80 images of different series of artist with an authorial technique, in which the elements clipped images throw empty and eloquent tridimensionalidades, a artista pontua realidades subtraídas em diversos continentes A curadoria é de Wagner Barja e a mostra segueRead more

Cocktail and Exhibition “Environment in full” by Rosângela Vig

Cocktail and exhibition "environment as a whole". Photo: Soso Botture.

When art is combined with a worthy cause, your transformer character lights up messages and content. The work then matures and becomes robust, in size, in ressignification and nobility. This may have been the meaning greater exposure of the Artenavida Group, whose exhibition will until the day 8 September … Read more

Paula Klien exposes, at the same time, unpublished works in London and Berlin, in September

Paula Klien. Photo: Alessandro Mari.

After individual in the German capital, in February, and participation in Clio Art Fair, in NYC, and in arteBA, in Buenos Aires, the Brazilian artist returns to present her work in Europe using ink painting The only Brazilian participating in the collective “Asia On My Mind” at aquabitArt gallery, Berlin, from 4 to 20 August, … Read more

Collective Art Exhibition “Let justice reign in my country” by Rosângela Vig

Opening cocktail of the collective exhibition of art "that justice reign in my country". Photo: Sandra Honors.

In the midst of Art, so many were the manifestations of who creates, crying out for a better country, more just and therefore, with more citizens happy. In Sculpture, in painting and Photography, the colors of Brazil prevailed, speaking of high tom, interspersed messages that speak the voice of Brazilians. At the rack, it was clear … Read more
