Caixa Cultural Rio de Janeiro brings together over 150 works of important Brazilian collections on display

Shows the construction of heritage features reflection on the preservation of heritage in the Cultural box Brazil Rio de Janeiro, from 25 October and 22 th December 2017, exposure to Construction of heritage, featuring more than 150 works among rare documents, paintings and sculptures, montando um panorama de importantesRead more

“You can borrow my eyes” -shows produced by visually impaired people of Juliana Stein photography workshop – integrates Bienal de Arte de Curitiba

Shows at the public library of Paraná, opens next Saturday, day 21, and sign up 30 December in place of the retina, the thrill of the senses; in the framework of the focus, the perception of the ideal point. O resultado dessa especial forma de captar a imagem está na exposição “Te empresto meus olhos”, that inaugurates … Read more

6º CNI SESI Marcantonio Vilaça SENAI for the fine arts

TCU DISPLAYS WORKS OF ARTISTS WINNERS MARCANTONIO VILAÇA CULTURAL SPACE – TCU. FROM 24 OCTOBER TO 22 DECEMBER 2017. *For the second time, o Centro Cultural do Tribunal de Contas da União acolhe itinerância do principal prêmio das artes visuais brasileiras *Trabalhos do artista Sérvulo Esmeraldo e de mais 11 artistas compõem aRead more

Group exhibition the Cry of the Innocent by Rosangela Vig

My hands the bakeries… Never idle. Fruitful. Vast and busy. Laborious hands. Open always to give, Help, together and bless (CORALINA, 2004, p. 218) Built by the hands of our great Cora Coralina, poetry speaks to us of the hands full in your daily deals, tireless. The same hands, a simple gesture, offer, bless and protect. And, and the … Read more

Alex Flemming inaugurates exhibition in São Paulo

From 28 October, the artist behind the anonymous subway faces Sumaré presents free shows in the Ema Klabin Museum artist Alex Flemming, that became nationally known after installation of anonymous faces in overlapping glass panels by Brazilian poems at the station Sumaré of São Paulo metro, inaugurates … Read more

Last few weeks of the exhibition "the path of the planets" which features 11 works of artist Renata Adler

Renata Adler, Interwoven World. Photo: Disclosure.

"The path of the planets" set the gardens and restaurant of the Hotel Santa Teresa Rio MGallery by Sofitel until 16 October exhibition "the path of the planets": Hotel Santa Teresa Rio MGallery by Sofitel Address: Rua Almirante Alexandrino, 660 Visitors until 16 de outubro Entrada gratuita Últimas semanas para visitar a exposição que marcou aRead more

Therese Mazzei presents “Possibilities” in the Gallery of the House of Paul Barry

The visual artist capixaba Therese Mazzei inaugurates the exhibition "Possibilities", next Saturday (7 October), at 4:00 pm, in the Gallery of the House of Paul Barry, in Lapa. For your first solo exhibition in Rio de Janeiro, Teresinha apresentará uma série de obras inéditas e algumas que fazem parte do seu percurso artístico na pigmentação orgânicaRead more

Relic: Transcendence of the body

7 October (Saturday) the 11:00 Shrines, parts, medals, prints and other objects tell the story of the Western world the sacred art museum of São Paulo – BUT/SP, establishment of the Secretariat of culture of the State, Displays “Relic: Transcendence of the body“, com curadoria de Ario Borges Nunes Junior e Beatriz Vicente de Azevedo. The exhibition … Read more


The exhibition opening will be held on 19/10 at 7 pm and will also be released book of the same name, with more than 30 pictures and stories and free distribution. Both have as their theme the Brazilian Indians, photographed by Maristela Giassi during the period of 1 year, in three villages in the greater Florianópolis and Acre. A mostra queRead more

Room Leila Diniz opens doors to the exhibition "Navigate is precise"

Shows is in the cultural space of the official press release from 4 and 30 October the Culture room Leila Diniz will receive in October the exhibition need to Navigate, of the photographer Renato Neves. In 40 Photo-canvases, Renato will present a pictorial trip that is for great moments and names of art history, como sutilezas deRead more
