Brazilian Art in New York by Edmund Cavalcanti

Brazilian artists will be exhibiting the Americans once again his talent and his techniques with beautiful and creative works. This time will be the traditional and renowned gallery One Art Space located in New York 23 Warren St-NY. The gallery is home to many beautiful and charming space usually events with local artists, International and … Read more

Exposure Magic Lamp debut in April on Leila Diniz Culture Room

The artist Luciane Valencia materializes dreams through his works On April 5, Leila Diniz Culture Center opens the exhibition Magic Lamp by artist Luciane Valencia. In an unprecedented shows, the proposal of the artist is to materialize the dream of the people: from a posting on social networks, she … Read more

'Brazilianness Di Cavalcanti’ exposure in the ABI / RJ

Show runs until 25 A graphical April Emiliano Di Cavalcanti work, one of the most important artists of Brazilian modernism, went on display this week on the 9th floor of ABI – Brazilian Press Association, in downtown Rio. Illustrations, with the unmistakable Brazilianness artist, They can be enjoyed in the newspapers, … Read more

Rio Art Museum - complete SEA 6 years and offers free programming

Art Museum of Rio. Photo: Thales Milk.

Celebration includes presentation of BK rapper ', as well as activities such as workshops and gallery talks. Rating: free. Free entry in days: 29, 30, 31 March. The Art Museum of the river-SEA, under the management of the Institute Odeon, completed six years on March 1, mesma data do aniversário da cidadeRead more

Verve Gallery inaugurates individual de Angella Conte

“I made here my place "displays collages, sculptures and a video installation addressing, under a behaviorally, the action of man on the environment. Verve Galeria exhibits “I made my place here”, by visual artist Angella Conte, curated by Marcio Harum. His first solo gallery shows in 30 works - collage, … Read more

Zero Collective Gallery displays with Several Concepts jobs

“Collective Paradox "features Carlos Borsa jobs, Francisco Rosa, Loro Verz and Luiz Pasqualini, which challenge well-known opinion and lack of nexus, through the paradox The ZERØ Gallery opens “Collective Paradox”, with works by Carlos Borsa, Francisco Rosa, Loro Verz and Luiz Pasqualini, sob direção de Pedro Paulo Afonso. A mostra éRead more

Joaquim Paiva celebrates 20 years of the Workshop Image

Image workshop 20 years Inauguration of the exhibition “Hotel Rooms” – 75 photographs by Joaquim Paiva Opening day 5 April 2019, 19 hours Free Admission Since its foundation, in 1999, the Workshop of Image has been consolidated as one of the main Brazilian references in teaching, produção e pensamento sobre a fotografia eRead more

Sofitel Ipanema receives the show "Ipanema" Charlotte Lisbon

The show “Ipanema”, Charlotte Lisbon, opens Earth Day celebrations at Sofitel Ipanema, whose purpose is to create a common awareness to contamination problems, conservation of biodiversity and other environmental concerns to protect the Earth. Charlotte Lisbon, Bahia open water, lives and works in Salvador and Florida shaft, in the United States, … Read more

The art of Malu Perlingeiro

The Art of Rio Malu Perlingeiro wanders through varied themes, techniques and media, mirroring each phase and the time by which wishes to express. The exhibition WINDOWS? It is a small retrospective about 20 (twenty) works that are part of the series "Colonial windows Brasileiras", which is intensely dedicated, baseando-se em detalhes da arquitetura tãoRead more

Vernissage Miro PS Post in Niterói

Saturday, day 23 March, visual artist Miro PS opened the exhibition “Metamorfose”, the Cultural Post Niterói. In four rooms, the artist presents collages facilities, paintings, digital prints, pictures and objects. The big show talks about the pleasures and anxieties of contemporary individual who needs cohabit both worlds: the virtual and the physical. In his artistic process, … Read more
