Fernando Barata individual opens in São Paulo Floating Gallery

"NIN" brings together his most significant production digigrafias and time-lapses, made from 2017 The São Paulo Floating Gallery inaugurates "NIN – New Numerical Impressionism ", plastic artist, designer and painter Fernando Barata, Rio resident in Paris, with 30 works on paper and a number of time-lapses designed the exhibition environment, where the … Read more

Resistance on canvas painting shows in the Cultural Reserve

The Gallery Cultural Reserve in Niterói, opens the next day 24 de Mayo, at 19h, It shows Thrice painting with artists Patricia Chaves, Rita Manhães and Stella Margarita. The exhibition, curated by Vilmar Madruga and support of the Axis Contemporary Art, é composta por telas de grandes e médios formatos e ocupará aRead more

Shows "17 ODS for a Better World" takes the Latin American Memorial

Novelis sponsors the exhibition and presents to the public works based on 17 ODS (Sustainable Development Goals) established by the UN for a better world to 2030 São Paulo, May 2019 – Between the days 22 May and 21 of June, the Memorial of Latin America – core culture, política e lazer queRead more

National Museum of Fine Arts receives olfactory installation Josely Carvalho

Brazilian artist displays "Diary of Smells: affection ", using various museum spaces, dialoguing with the institution's collection. The National Museum of Fine Arts / MNBA inaugurated on 17 de Mayo, Friday, to 18 hours, the solo exhibition "Diary of Smells: affection ", Brazilian artist, based in New York, Josely Carvalho. A mostra faz parte doRead more

Sacred Art Museum of Sao Paulo highlights Ibero-Andean art in new exhibit temporary

“Ibero-Andean Painting - Religious art in Hispanic America "presents a precious collection of works that reveal the beginning of artistic production in the Americas The Museum of Sacred Art of São Paulo - SP-MAS, institution of the Department of Culture and Economy of the State of São Paulo Creative, inaugura “Pintura Ibero-AndinaA arte religiosa na América Hispânica”, curated … Read more

"Voices of the Soul", exhibition on display at the Museum of the Republic, offers catalog for online access and download free

To consult online: To download issuu.com/olivierboels/docs/catalogo_vozes_da_alma: In bit.ly/CatalogoVozesdaAlma 28 pages, the catalog presents the exhibition through touching testimonials from artists, texts about the work developed for the realization of shows and accessibility, for deaf people, beyond 17 printed photos, in high resolution. show visitors receive, for free, uma cópia impressa doRead more

"Corruptions in the Soul" – Marcelo Frazão and Marina Vergara celebrate 30 years of art, the post office

The first shows the two artists dates back to the late 1980. Now, Marcelo Frazão and Marina Vergara join again, this time at the "corruptions in the Soul", opening day 17 de Mayo, 14h the 18:30, at the Centro Cultural Correios. inspired freely on issues of, enough current, "Capital sins", the shows … Read more

The Master II Salon D'Armas extends registration and announces completion date

They are extended until the day 13 May Registration for the Second Master Hall Edition D'Armas. Works to compose the Hall will be on display in the Historical Museum and Artistic Planaltina (map), between days 8 June and 11 August 2019, for free public visitation. Resident artists in the Federal District … Read more

visual arts exhibition of 23 Cultura Inglesa Festival launches look at the relationship between tradition and contemporary

The projects were chosen through a notice and will be displayed at the British Brazilian Center 25 of May to 16 June The English Festival Culture supports annually, through its Notice, Brazilian theater projects, dance, visual arts and short films inspired in British culture. In 2019, as produções de artes visuaisRead more

Bianca Boeckel Gallery exhibits new work Camila Alvite

“One Minute Before "features 15 paintings that reflect a new focus in the production of the artist, which happens to be a protagonist in portraits and self-portraits representing different characters Bianca Boeckel Gallery displays "One Minute Before“, da artista visual paulistana Camila Alvite, curated by Bianca Boeckel. In his second solo show at gallery, the artist … Read more
