Paulo Von Poser opens shows the Solar da Marquesa de Santos

Exhibition opens on 29 September Paulo von Poser, artist paulistano, exhibits “Adrift São Paulo von Poser”, at the Solar da Marquesa de Santos, one of thirteen historic homes that make up the network of the Museum of the City of São Paulo. With 55 works (28 works + 27 historical photos), constrói um panorama entreRead more

Exhibition - “FOR EXCELLENCE” by Luiz Bhittencourt

The features defining the constant artistic production Luiz Bhittencourt, They are not divided by chronology, it is unequivocal, with a trace inimitable, drawing fluid, a unique palette, true to its origins while daring, a continuous inspiration in varying themes, always perfecting techniques to your gift, e com uma fronteira sutil entre o acadêmicoRead more

September came and the spring in the Education CCBB - Art and Education!

Highlights of the program include the “Place of Creation – Independence Day Special” workshop., actions aimed at the "Person Fight Week with Disabilities", that brings the show "Sensorium", the Inclusive Dance Group Body Moving. Free entrance. Dance, theater, mediated visits for groups, educational activities and the "Spring of Museums", … Read more

African Legends of the Orishas - Pierre Verger + Carybé, exhibition and book launch

Galeria Marcelo Guarnieri São Paulo Commemorative exhibition for the launch of the new edition of the book Lendas Africanas dos Orixás by Pierre Verger and Carybé opening and launch of the book 12 September 2019 / 19h – 22h contação de histórias Vovó Cici 14 September 2019 / 10h exposure period 12 from … Read more

Exhibition "Favelando" on Leila Diniz Culture Room

On 6 on Sep, Culture Room Leila Diniz receives the exhibition "Favelando", the artist Ricardo Rodrigues. The artist seeks to portray in his exposition the daily lives of communities in the city of Rio de Janeiro, showing what is most significant, symbolic and emotional, in this context. Ricardo, Favela resident of Cerro Cora, … Read more

Works auction embuenses artists will take place on 31/8

As an incentive to Embu das Artes artists, will be held the “Artworks Auction” on 31/8 (Saturday), from 10pm, at the Cultural Center of Assisi Master Embu (Largo 21 April, 29, Center). Will be auctioned off 115 works of 63 artistas da cidade e o evento ocorrerá de modo presencial eRead more

Maciej Babinski - Pictures bristly

A Pharmacia Cultural – Stickel Foundation's exhibition space and creative activities center of all order and quality – has the privilege of presenting bristling portraits, the newest series of Maciej Babinski drawings, the mythical artist born in Poland in 1931, filed no Brasil from 1953, mais uma involuntária contribuição do nazismoRead more

river Memories, virtual museum that tells the history of the city, It will be released 28 August, in the center of Rio de Janeiro

gathers collection 80 facts, between images, videos and sounds that make up the physical memories, histórica e afetiva do Rio de Janeiro Apresentação do assistente virtual de acesso ao conteúdo do site e mesa de debates são os destaques da noite de lançamento Os historiadores Rafael da Cruz, Antonio Edmilson Marins e Rodrigo Rainha confirmaram presençaRead more

strengthening project of the Rio Art Museum, held sponsored by BNDES, reopened on 24 August the new Library and Documentation Center SEA

reopening event will feature an extensive program that includes the opening of the exhibition "Mulambo – All our's", Creation of workshops aimed at different age groups, book launching, DJ and fair independent publications and graphic arts Saturday, 24 de agosto 10h às 18h Entrada gratuita Após uma pausa de quatro meses para serRead more

Haberdashery Teixeira inaugurates individual at the Cultural Center Post

Artist incorporates aquatic and carnivorous plants in large installations in the exhibition "Cologne", curated by Marcus Lontra Costa. From 22/8 to 22/11. Free entrance. The Cultural Center Post Office in São Paulo opens on 22 August 2019, Thursday, to 16 hours, a mostra individual “Colônia”, do artista paulistano Armarinhos Teixeira. São exibidasRead more
