Caciporé Torres and Yutaka Toyota inaugurate shows double

Exposure is a series of sculptural works that demonstrate the transformation of the raw material of nature in spatial forms of great visual significance, in a historic meeting with regard to friendship, ao amor e à esperança Caciporé Torres e Yutaka Toyota inauguram “Caciporé & Toyota – Ways in Union | Dichotomy in Visual Diversity … Read more


Rio lia exposes the Cultural Post Niterói. Day show opens 21 September, on celebration of Arbor Day. One of the first artists to work with themes related to nature in Rio de Janeiro, Lia do Rio was invited to the Correios de Niterói Cultural Space to celebrate Arbor Day. In 21 from … Read more

Collective TraMares comes to Madrid

The artists Eva Soban, Juan Ojea and Renata Meirelles, responsible for designing, concept and curatorship of the exhibition TraMares Un Recorte Del Textil Brasileño, to be held no Cultural Center – College Major; Brazil House in Madrid, Spain, a group of coordinate 21 Brazilian artists who exhibit their work, paths and poetic promoting cultural exchange of Textile Art, publicizing the … Read more

Roberto Camasmie gallery receives Magda necklaces exposure Edmundo Cavalcanti

Based on the ecru, the artist, born in Rio de Janeiro based in São Paulo, Magda Necklaces, features, the Gallery Roberto Camasmie, in the gardens, the exhibition "Anatomy on Linen". Altogether 12 fabrics, of various dimensions, which can reach 150x120cm, highlighting the human body. The series is the result of a … Read more

Miriam Nigri Schreier exposure, the Pinacoteca Benedito Calixto, is extended until visitation 29 September

The exhibition Imaginary Cities, by plastic artist Miriam Nigri Schreier, inaugurated the Pinacoteca Benedito Calixto on the last day 7 August, had its end extended for another week, now the visitation will be open to visitors until Sunday 29 on Sep. The show features an intriguing set of thirty-three works, metade delesRead more

Without Barriers - Accessibility Festival and Artists with disabilities is promoted by the City of São Paulo

Festival has the support of various cultural institutions of the city The City of São Paulo, through the Municipal Culture (SMC) and Disability Personnel (SMPED), and support the institutions of the Cultural Paulista (Casa das Rosas, IMS, Itaú Cultural, Japan House, MASP, SESC and SESI) and other city institutions, created “Without … Read more

"The Brazilian People's Art" – 300 works signed by artists from around the country

Exhibition "The Brazilian People's Art", Artist Antonio Poteiro, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

Foot Palito makes retrospective of Brazilian popular art in Iguatemi Shopping "The Brazilian People's Art" Space, which functions as antique and art gallery, present 300 works by artists from around the country from day 18 de setembro Se antes eram vistas como meros souvenires artesanais, hoje as obras deRead more

Sacred Art Museum of Sao Paulo displays photos of funerary art

The Museum of Sacred Art of São Paulo - MAS / SP, institution of the Department of Culture and Economy of the State of São Paulo Creative, displays "Images of a longing", photographers Luciana Fatima and Arlindo Goncalves and curated by Vanessa Bortulucci. In 21 images that make up the show, estão expostas uma das várias tentativas do homemRead more

"Angels Art Gallery" – New arts space in Oporto-Portugal Edmundo Cavalcanti

The Portuguese curator, based not Brazil, Maria dos Anjos Oliveira, will be inaugurated in the month of October to his art gallery in Porto / Portugal the "Angels Art Gallery". "The goal of Mary of the Angels is to promote individual exhibitions, press conferences, events connected the arts in all its aspects, book launches and designer … Read more

Timbuca and Fiúza, artists the Baixada Fluminense region, They are exhibition theme in Santa Teresa

A Modernists Gallery, located in the cultural district of Santa Teresa, receives, even day 22 September, the exhibition “The Four Elements and Timbuca Fiúza” – a posthumous tribute to two artists as important cultural scene in the Baixada Fluminense region. The show, with short, tem coordenação do artista visual Raimundo Rodriguez e texto deRead more
