MAR podcast launches and webseries inspired the exhibition "Rio dos Navegantes" and works from his collection

The releases are part of the Museum of Cultural Strengthening Project, carried out with the sponsorship of BNDES On the day of Black Consciousness, 20 November, Rio Art Museum, under the management of the Institute Odeon, launches on your site and the streaming platforms the first two products in its MediaLab: um podcast inspiradoRead more

BASE gallery on display with feminine vision

In "Anna", two exponents of Brazilian culture exhibit works that attest to the importance and challenge of women The BASE Gallery, by Daniel Maranhão, displays “ANNA”, with about of 25 obras de Anna Bella Geiger e Anna Maria Maiolino e curadoria de Paulo Azeco. At this time, faz-se por bem destacar a presença feminina na construçãoRead more

artist Leda Risse expose new screens in trendy gallery in Switzerland

With sales of paintings artist will help African orphaned children Plastic artist Leda Risse, from 06 to 10 November, exposed new screens in a badaladíssima exposure. And the venue for the presentation of new work was the Salon d'Art Contemporain, em Montreux, in Switzerland. Brazilian Birth, but living there 20 years in Switzerland, … Read more

Meireles opens exhibition in Rio de Janeiro, After 10 years

Show with works from various periods of the artist's career will be inaugurated on 19 November, na gallery Mul.ti.plo. Among the surprises, "Multiple Singles" features four new works, which will be revealed only on opening day. Without exposing in Rio de Janeiro there are about 10 years and a gallery for over Rio … Read more

Exposure Adriana Ninsk of Fly and Lu Valencia

all flies. Friends, lovers, amores. ideas, thoughts and news. creations, machines and projects. Life flies. fast fly. Flies dizzying speed who crosses space aboard a floating rock shot in original creator of color explosion, sounds… and worlds. fast worlds, full of life, voracious exuberance. Vida que muitas vezesRead more

"Triad" in the Valley Museum

monumental works of Bruno Zorzal, Fredone Fone and Sandro Novaes reflect the strength of the new generation of artists from Espírito Santo. Exhibition opens to the public next day 30 November A large mosaic of abstract shapes in shades of black, white, gray and red, extending the 420 m² of the external side of the exhibition hall … Read more

Alliance Gallery French Botafogo opens exhibition 'Chandelier Kitihawa’

On the occasion of the Day of Black Consciousness, the French Alliance presents the exhibition "Chandelier Kitihawa", French award-winning photographer Nicolas Henry, a story in pictures, on the global history of slavery, that goes between Africa and the Americas. Between fiction and reality, a mostra identifica heróis negros dos processos de descolonizaçãoRead more

Exhibition "My land has palm trees" gathers 40 works of 15 artists at Caixa Cultural São Paulo

Shows discussing the formation of the country's cultural memory from the poem "Song of the Exile", by Gonçalves Dias CAIXA Cultural São Paulo receives, from 12 th November of 2019 to 19 January 2020, the exhibition "My land has palm trees". Com curadoria de Bruno Miguel, the show brings together 40 works of 15 … Read more

Marcelo Delacroix is ​​closing concert II Clay Festival and 5th Fair of Artistic Ceramics and Utility of Porto Alegre

Scheduled for next Sunday, 10 November, às 17h, in Vila Flores (S. São Carlos, 753 - Forest), the closing show of the Clay Festival, Marcelo Delacroix, is one of the rewards of the Tresavento campaign, new disc artist. O crowdfunding (crowdfunding platform in Catharsis) He ended last Sunday, 3 … Read more

Exhibition "In Progress" on Leila Diniz Culture Room

From day 13 November, Culture Room Leila Diniz receive the exhibition "In Progress", the artist Wil Catarina. In his first solo exhibition, the artist brings some of his new trajectory. Moving away from the graphic design, Wil overflows in their arts throughout his repertoire on the sea. A exposição InRead more
