Ricardo Camargo exhibition and installation of Horace Althabe gain prominence in Sesc Sorocaba

Attractions in the Manual Arts programming throughout the month of December, the Manual Arts programming of Sesc brings public exposure in Sorocaba photographer Ricardo Camargo and an installation of artist Horace Althabe, both with free entry and free rating. 1 the 31 of december, Tuesday to Friday, from … Read more

Fernando Lindote: cheating and the Parrot parade Macunaíma

December 1 2015 to 24 April 2016 Andar térreo do Pavilhão de Exposições O ponto de partida da mostra é o início da experiência de Lindote como aluno do cartunista Renato Canini – principal ilustrador brasileiro do Zé Carioca, the Disney Parrot. A ave com as cores do BrasilRead more

"São Sebastião: a tribute of Italy for the Rio de Janeiro "

Enel Green Power brings Works by Italian Artists to the National Museum of Fine Arts, in Rio de Janeiro On the day 27 November, Enel Green Power will bring the works of Italian artists Giovanni Francesco Barbieri (1591-1666) – “San Sebastiano curato da Irene” – and Guido Reni (1575-1642) – “San Sebastiano” – on … Read more

Pinacoteca of the Associação Paulista de Medicina, Exhibition-catalog release by Rosangela Vig

Sonnet to Lasar Segall From inscrutable in what you paint As in a wide space of agonies Unmarkable paint music Burning in the lucidity of cold things: So pathetic you are, so sleepy Colors that my eyes mortify Between crusted greens and gray Rust in the prelude to metals. What secret covers the old patina Where … Read more

"A look at Unusual III" – exhibition of works of Ananda Peres, Carla Caruso and Helena Ribeiro, in the PontoArt Gallery by Edmund Chandra

In its third edition, the PontoArt Gallery promotes the exhibition: "A Look At Unusual III", with opening day 18 at 7:00 pm, extending until 19 th December 2015. The show features the latest production of the plastic artist Ananda Giordano Peres, including paintings, drawings, objects and texts, together and with technical support … Read more

6Edition of the Christmas action Gallery Tina Zappoli

Charity event occurs in 2 of december, birthday of 34 years of GALERIA TINA ZAPPOLI The VI Christmas action by GALERIA TINA ZAPPOLI consists of the full donation of the works of artists/photographers FELIPE CRETELLA (SP), MARINHO NETO (RS) AND ROGER MASSEY (RS). Each raffle number costs R$ 50,00 (fifty reais). Toda a renda arrecadadaRead more

Religious Art Museum presents exhibition of artist Antonio Arney

Exposição "Estações" by Antonio Arney. Photo: Disclosure.

The Museum of sacred art of Curitiba receives next Saturday (14) the exhibition of the award-winning artist paranaense Antonio Arney. The exhibition "seasons" is a synthesis of their production, that emphasizes the use of wood associated with collages of various materials and painting. É também uma rara oportunidade de apreciar o conjunto de obras desseRead more

PICTURES AND BRINCANTES, Art and Performance in Popular culture

Opening: 14 th November of 2015, at 3 pm Otto's Show: 17h Address: Estrada do Pontal, 3295, Recreio dos Bandeirantes With a show by Otto, Casa do Pontal Museum opens the exhibition in the party mood to mark the 10 years of three great achievements for the folk art: a certificação da Unesco que a diversidadeRead more

Panamericana performs photographic exhibition, curated by Rosely Nakagawa

From 10 to 27 November, the Panamericana Escola de Arte e Design presents the exhibition “Looking for a Center”, composed of works of 50 students of the school photography course, curated by Rosely Nakagawa. There hasn't been a theme set for the project. A curadora deu liberdade para que os alunos ousassemRead more
