Rio de Janeiro will host event “Visual effects & Digital Art – Audiovisual Creation in the Future”

one of olive, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

One of Oliveira - ex- Head of Visual Effects at Rede Globo and Creative Director at Light Farm Studios – he will be Estácio's guest of honor The attraction is free and completely open to the external public. 23 September, from 10pm, movie lovers, TV and the entire audiovisual market will be able to participate in the event “Visual Effects & Digital Art … Read more

Statue of Brilliance Project will honor Aldir Blanc, Mrs. Ivone Lara and Gonzaguinha

Shine Statue Project, featured. Disclosure.

Institution will honor the Tijuca neighborhood, presenting the place with a statue of a remarkable personality of the region Rio de Janeiro – July 2021 – In internet voting, through the link:, Cariocas can choose for two weeks – since today (day 5) until 16 July – who will receive a bronze statue: Centuries … Read more

Chloé Calmon to give a lecture on overcoming

Chloe Calmon. Photo: Disclosure.

On 5 de Mayo, a partir the 18h, the Instagram of the Estácio Campos Grande campus – @ – (West Zone of Rio de Janeiro) - will broadcast a motivational lecture with one of the greatest athletes of Brazilian surfing, Chloe Calmon. The surfer will talk about overcoming challenges, highlighting its trajectory in sport and how it reconciles … Read more

Telefilm “From Flower to Flower”, shot in Curicica, will be launching in the second half

Telefilme "From Flower to Flower", backstage - Sávio Moll and Babi Xavier. Photo: Disclosure.

The work, with Babi Xavier and a great cast, will be filled with a lot of suspense Rio de Janeiro - February 2021 – Francisco Malta – coordinator of the Cinema course at Estácio - and Flávia Cortes are the screenwriters for the telefilm “De Flor em Flor”. The plot will show the sisters Azaleia and Jasmine in a big mess. The girls … Read more

Estácio's live with director André Warwar will address the future of audiovisual creation in an unprecedented experiment

André Warwar, featured. Photo: Rodrigo Xavier.

The year of 2020 it will certainly be marked in the history of mankind as the “pandemic that stopped the planet”. However, artists, communicators and thinkers around the world do not deliver the points and research new and unusual processes of recreation and dissemination of dramaturgical audiovisual content, combining artistic experimentation with digital technology, circumventing the barriers imposed by … Read more

International Latin American and Caribbean Black Women Day will feature live launch of the book “Rosa Negra, pieces of an overcoming trajectory ”

Dra. Ivone Caetano. Photo: Personal archive.

Next Saturday, 25 July, at 19h, to Estácio and Dra. Ivone Caetano will perform a live – through the Teams tool – to celebrate International Latin American and Caribbean Black Women's Day. Dr.. Ivone will be the big honoree of the night, because it is a great reference for being a woman, first black judge in the state of Rio … Read more

Virtual Tour Visit: National Museum

Rolé Carioca National Museum, before the fire. Photo: Thiago Diniz.

Continuing the virtual program - which has had weekly lives about history and everyday life in the city - the Rolé Carioca Project will offer a virtual visit to the National Museum next Sunday, day 12 July, às 10h, Zoom platform. Guided by the national coordinator of the History course at Estácio, … Read more

river Memories, virtual museum that tells the history of the city, It will be released 28 August, in the center of Rio de Janeiro

gathers collection 80 facts, between images, videos and sounds that make up the physical memories, histórica e afetiva do Rio de Janeiro Apresentação do assistente virtual de acesso ao conteúdo do site e mesa de debates são os destaques da noite de lançamento Os historiadores Rafael da Cruz, Antonio Edmilson Marins e Rodrigo Rainha confirmaram presençaRead more