Ananda Seidl Uruguay inaugurates single no space for Edmundo Cavalcanti

Consisting of paintings and installation, "Tropikus" proposes a political questioning by the absence of traditional curatorial, leaving the artist's work take voice autonomously The visual artist Ananda Seidl opens “Tropical", on Espacio Uruguay, coordinated by Mariana Pinto and presentation of text Enock Sacramento. Composed by 13 paintings and an installation, … Read more

Group exhibition the Cry of the Innocent by Rosangela Vig

My hands the bakeries… Never idle. Fruitful. Vast and busy. Laborious hands. Open always to give, Help, together and bless (CORALINA, 2004, p. 218) Built by the hands of our great Cora Coralina, poetry speaks to us of the hands full in your daily deals, tireless. The same hands, a simple gesture, offer, bless and protect. And, and the … Read more