city- and Dortmund State Library, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Dear (to) artist, Registrations are now open for the exhibition “Eric Art – 40 years” to be held at the Musée Du Louvre, in Paris. Below the information on display with big world media disclosure. Places are limited and filled by order of registration. 40% the vacancies have already been filled – 11/2016. [divider] [divider] IMPORTANT: FAVORRead more

gold River 2016

The artist Lee Borges is in a great phase of his career. In August 2016, He participated in the International Art Exhibition River 2016, performed by Eric Art SP, the Brazilian Society of Fine Arts in Rio de Janeiro-RJ, where was the third time awarded his work Nebula Rise, and now with gold medal. … Read more

Interview with the Artist Read on interactive TV

In this interview above Read Borges tells of how it all began and also about the next show that will be participating in Rio de Janeiro. Check out the invitation for exhibition at the Brazilian Society of fine arts: At the end of last year, between days 03 to 23 th December 2015, a artista participou da Exposição InternacionalRead more

International Art Week 2016 -Abu Dhabi-United Arab Emirates by Eric Art

Dear (to) artist, Registrations are now open for selection of artists to exhibit at international art Week from Abu Dhabi-the capital of the United Arab Emirates, biggest art event of the Arab countries and one of the most important in the world. Below are information about the exhibition in ABU DHABI, com apoio do MINISTÉRIO DA CULTURARead more

International Art Exhibition – Biennial of Germany 2015 by Eric Art

city- and Dortmund State Library, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

International Art Exhibition – Biennial of Germany 2015 by Eric Art REGISTRATION OPEN !!! INVITATION for PARTICIPATION Eric Art after conducting hundreds of international exhibitions in major cities from different countries and dozens of exhibitions in Germany, a convite DA ORGANIZAÇÃO DA EXPOSIÇÃO MUNDIAL DE ARTE DA ALEMANHA SOMOS A ÚNICA GALERIA DERead more

Open Registration for Art Gallery in Dubai by Eric Art

Dear(to) artist, Registration is open for the selection of artists to exhibit in Conceptualized Art Gallery in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The Art and decoration sector in Dubai is the fastest growing in the World. Below information about DUBAI Exhibition, with support from the MINISTRY OF CULTURE OF DUBAI and large … Read more