Gilberto Salvador: the restless spirit of an artist of public works by Edmund Chandra

Sometimes, When we visited some public space, a park, a square, etc.., in our city, faced with beautiful sculptures. Here comes the question, who is this beautiful and creative work? In this respect we took your question to some of them – Edmundo Cavalcanti Surpreendente. So we can call it the art of Gilberto Salvador, an artist … Read more

Visual Artist Rosângela Vig interviewed by Oscar D'Ambrósio in the program profile of UNESP Radio

Profile Program - Rádio UNESP The Profile Program of Rádio Unesp FM, presented by respected journalist and art critic Oscar D ' Ambrosio interviewed this week to artist and Professor of art history, Rosângela Vig, to talk about her individual exhibition at Livraria Cultura of Shopping Villa-Lobos. The artist explains a little about the … Read more