BUT has virtual happy hour

Documentary: "Sacred Art Museum of Sao Paulo - Very Nice!”. Photo: Disclosure.

relaxation to talk about art, culture and daily life Museum of Sacred Art of São Paulo - MAS / SP, institution of the Department of Culture and Economy of the State of São Paulo Creative, starts its FREE program, adapting to the current moment of isolation and social distance to stay in closer contact with your audience … Read more

MAS / SP emphasizes its presence in the Digital Universe

Documentary: "Sacred Art Museum of Sao Paulo - Very Nice!”. Photo: Disclosure.

Launches and new actions on different platforms allow the museum's contact with its friends and general public São Paulo Museum of Sacred Art - MAS / SP, institution of the Department of Culture and Economy of the State of São Paulo Creative, taking into account the guidelines of the competent bodies to contain the spread of Covid-19, close your doors … Read more