Felipe Carnaúba | A painting is a flag – EGG YOLK – 30/9

Exhibition: "A Painting is a Flag" by Felipe Carnaúba, invitation - featured. Disclosure.

“A Painting is a Flag“, the first solo show by multi-artist Felipe Carnaúba in São Paulo, Opens the next day 30 September at GEMA, curated by Eduarda Freire. With, approximately, 40 works between paintings, drawings, videos, NFTs, objects and game, to propose a social and informal environment of debate in face of ‘ironically’ political works. Between … Read more

GEMA opens Melaço with Artur Ferreira and Felipa Queiroz

Arthur Ferreira, Grotesque, watercolor and colored pencils on paper, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

EGG YOLK, by Eduarda Freire and Clara Johannpeter, opens the non-collective exhibition “Melaço”, solo show by the artist couple Artur Ferreira and Felipa Queiroz with works in various media such as drawings, paintings, sculptures, photographic scans, in addition to several other media and supports that make up the couple's research and, each, individually. The curator is … Read more

Verve Gallery displays individual Guilherme Callegari

Composed by 25 work in different techniques, "NDÚSTRIA" presents the research of the artist about the industry and communication in modern society, in works that explore the graphics and dessignificação symbols and logos The Verve Gallery displays "NDÚSTRIA", do artista visual Guilherme Callegari. Com curadoria de Eduarda Freire e texto crítico de JulianaRead more