Museum of Sacred Art opens 'TE DEUM', celebrating the 200 years of independence

Exhibition "GIVE YOU", Retrato D. Pedro I, featured (private collection). Photo: Disclosure.

“Sacred song of thanksgiving for the visit of the Prince Regent” Museum of Sacred Art of São Paulo – MAS/SP, institution of the Department of Culture and Economy of the State of São Paulo Creative, exibe a exposição “TE DEUM” em comemoração ao bicentenário da Independência. Sob curadoria de Beatriz Cruz e João Rossi, a mostra rememoraRead more

9 January 1822: the beginning of the road to Brazilian independence

Ueldison Alves de Azevedo, featured. Photo: Disclosure / MF Global Press.

Everyone knows that Brazil's independence is celebrated on the day 7 September. However, in 9 January 1822, an important fact was crucial for this path to be paved. History professor shows what was important that day. It is not possible to talk about the history of Brazil without remembering … Read more
