Philos session displays "the influence of the Beat generation", "Charlie Hebdo" and "Below" the day 8 January

Friday, 13h, no + Globosat Philos session displays the day 8 January, Friday, 13h, three productions at the + Globosat: "The influence of the Beat generation", film that shows how the friendship of Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg and William Burroughs originated this literary movement; "Charlie Hebdo", documentary that traces a brief profile of the victims, … Read more

Philos releases documentary on Charlie Hebdo for NET users NOW

Channel special also "a look at terrorism" for subscribers To the day 30 November, the Philos – on demand channel Globosat – will make available for free the documentary Charlie Hebdo to subscribers of NET. The Director Fabrice Gerardi, the production meets the caricaturist light and journalist Antonio Fischetti, survivors … Read more

' How long has ' will be displayed in the International Film Festival of Sao Paulo

Director Adriana L. Dutra discusses the time-and the lack of it – in documentary with interviews with thinkers, scientists and writers like André Comte-Sponville, Domenico De Masi, Nélida Piñon and Marcelo Gleiser "a movie for those who have time, don't have time or don't know what to do with the time ", says Adriana L. Dutra … Read more

"Lift!"followed by Debate in Rio Festival 2015, This Friday, 9/10

Directors of the documentary produced by Canal Futura in partnership with the Operating Mode and Embaúba dialogue with the audience after the screening in the Federal Justice Cultural Center, at seven in the same session, será exibido o documentário “A Marcha dos Elefantes Brancos” e o diretor também participa do debate “Levante!”, winner of the 5th pitching DOC Future, … Read more

Short ' bird ' Skin appears in shows Premiere Brazil: short documentary competition at the Festival do Rio

The documentary covers the history of Carnival passista J. rock through samba changed the course of life itself "this movie allowed me to meet the woman behind the passista. The Cp symbolizes the struggle of many Brazilian women”, says the filmmaker Clara Peltier about his short documentary bird's Skin, … Read more

Challenging Churchill and architecture are the highlights of the session Philos

Saturday, 10 October, at 4:30 pm in the day 10 October, Saturday, Session Philos displays the + Globosat two documentaries. The first, "Challenging Churchill", addresses the controversial Winston Churchill's life, UK Prime Minister during the Second World War. A série “Arquitetura” apresenta o episódio “A Casa Milà” e mostra uma das obrasRead more

Rio Festival 2015 Displays documentary "Lift!”

Produced by Canal Futura in partnership with the Operating Mode and Embaúba, the film was the winner of the 5th pitching DOC Futura De 1 to 14 October, the Rio Festival will screen the documentary “Levante!”, winner of the 5th pitching DOC Future. Inserted in the Frontiers show, o filme é uma produção do Canal Futura em parceria comRead more

' How long has ' the time will be displayed for the first time in Brazil during the River Festival

Director Adriana L. Dutra discusses the time-and the lack of it – in documentary with interviews with thinkers, scientists and writers like André Comte-Sponville, Domenico De Masi, Nélida Piñon and Marcelo Gleiser "a movie for those who have time, don't have time or don't know what to do with the time ", says Adriana L. Dutra … Read more

Philos displays documentary This is Orson Welles in Rio Festival

Audience will have the chance to check out the production at Oi Futuro (7 October) and in the CCBB (9 October) The Philos will make available exclusively for display in Rio Festival, in the days 7 and 9 October, the documentary This is Orson Welles at Oi Futuro Ipanema and CCBB, respectively. The film – … Read more

The trash will be under discussion in the session + Philos Globosat

Garbage will be discussed at the Philos Session of +Globosat Saturday, 12 September, at 4:30 pm the session Philos next Saturday, day 12, will display in the channel + The award-winning documentary "Garbage globosat, a Global problem ". In the movie, o diretor Jeremy Irons viaja o mundo para mostrar lugares paradisíacos que foram tomados porRead more