Teresa Cristina takes her ‘live’ for Instagram of Canal Futura, on Black Awareness Day

Teresa Cristina, DVD 2019, Theatro Net Rio, featured. Photo: @MarcosHermes.

This Friday, day 20, singer makes artistic occupation with repertoire dedicated to black culture Date will also be marked by 24 hours of special programming on Canal screens, including the debut of two new series, that bring an episode about black genocide and immersion in candomblé The singer Teresa Cristina will occupy the Channel's Instagram … Read more

SEA promotes children's workshop inspired by the Black Awareness Day on Saturday (16)

16 November, from 14h to 17h Free registrations Free classification In honor of the month of Black Consciousness, the Art Museum of the river-SEA, under the management of the Institute Odeon, You receive a special program on Saturday, 16 November. The 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm, the museum promotes the Creation Workshop “black Nobility – Our … Read more

' 12 years of Slavery ' will be displayed at Sesc Sorocaba

The film won the Academy Award for best picture in 2014 The CineCafé displays the award-winning film "12 years of slavery" in the theatre of Sesc Sorocaba the day 24 November, third, at 19h. The event is part of the special programming commemorating the Day of black consciousness. To join the session, basta retirar os ingressos comRead more

Experience of maracatu is attraction at Sesc Sorocaba

Integrates event programming in celebration of the Day of black consciousness Sesc Sorocaba invites young people from 13 to 19 years for a chat about maracatu with Rafael Poujo, Member of the Mukumby group, on 21 November, Saturday, at 4:00 pm, in the living room of bodily practices, with free entry. To participate, just sign up to … Read more

Musical performances celebrate the Day of black consciousness in the Largo da Ordem

To open the activities of the Party of the Rosary and celebrate the Day of black consciousness, the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba and the Cultural Centre Humaitá promote in the Largo da Ordem a series musical performances this Friday (20 November). Are also provided for activities carried out voluntarily by artists and cultural agents including, workshops, cultural experiences, exhibition, … Read more