As in the Backyard Times

Dance Company Transitions. Photo: Disclosure.

The Historical and Artistic Museum of Planaltina (map) relive the years 1980, when it was the stage for soirees and great cultural movement and where great names of the cultural scene of DF passed by, surroundings and other Sahara States are fertile spaces for creativity and cool from the elite world of art. Thus, open to … Read more

Returning to society, on the Aldir Blanc Conference

Conference Aldir Blanc - DF, Returning to society. Disclosure.

In the day 28, 29 and 30 August, the cultural sector of the DF held the Aldir Blanc Web Conference in order to listen and dialogue with the cultural community and to present proposals and guidelines for the execution of the emergency resource provided for in the Law 14.017/2020 to the Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy, managing body of … Read more

Conference Aldir Blanc - DF

Conference Aldir Blanc - DF, featured. Disclosure.

In the days 28, 29 and 30 August the Aldir Blanc DF Conference will be held for the participation of the whole society. Civil society members of the Advisory Committee and WG of Aldir Blanc DF bring this conference, in view of all the bodies involved in the application of that Law, with the aim of clarifying the … Read more

Unified Front of Culture of the DF convenes a new sector meeting to discuss referrals to the Aldir Blanc Law

3ª Unified Front Meeting - Lei Aldir Blanc, card. Disclosure.

Third virtual meeting between cultural professionals from DF will allow urgent financial assistance to the Spaces, Cultural Institutions and Organizations in DF Scheduled to happen this Thursday, day 16 July, a partir the 19h, through virtual, a terceira reunião entre as trabalhadoras e trabalhadores da cultura, convocada pela Frente Unificada da Cultura doRead more