Expert reveals how to adopt a sustainable decoration at home

Expert reveals how to adopt a sustainable decoration at home. Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi from Pexels.

According to Priscila Prieto, custom furniture specialist, reuse items, reciclar materiais e utilizar a luz natural são passos fundamentais para a adoção de um ambiente sustentável e ecológico A decoração sustentável é uma pauta cada vez mais relevante e não se trata apenas de um conceito estético, mas sim uma maneira de cooperarRead more

Sustainable decoration: understand this concept and how to do

Sustainable decoration: understand this concept and how to do. Photo: Woman photo created by 8photo -

Sustainable decoration is based on the reuse of materials, like bottles, pallets, tires and other objects. In this way, prevent them from going to waste and polluting the environment during their decomposition process. Never before has there been so much talk about the environment and sustainability as now. People and companies seek actions … Read more