SP-Arte | Casa do Povo launches series of unpublished works by Daniel Lie and Regina DabDab

Daniel Lie, House of the people. Photo: Camila Svenson.

CASA DO POVO LAUNCHES SERIES COMUM PRESENCE AT SP-ARTE Artists Daniel Lie and Regina Dabdab sign the 30 works from the series in an unpublished collab. Amounts raised from the sale will be used to renovate the Cultural Space building located in Bom Retiro Exclusively for SP-Arte, which happens to 6 to 10 … Read more


Obra "MIOLO" de Jaider Esbell. Photo: Disclosure.

Annual publication produced by Casa do Povo, NOSSA VOZ comes to its edition 1021. With 63 pages and three thousand copies, the newspaper has its editorial axes from the contemporary context, in dialogue with its historical premises and brings the city to the debate, memory and artistic practices in line … Read more